Walking home but with a friend

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Floyd met up with his one friend; Boom in the school's court yard. His golden bronze skin shining due to the sun made him definitely stand out in a crowd but Floyd found him easier due to his ombre rainbow colored hair.

"Hey man," the magenta haired teen patted his friend's shoulder as said friend turned around to reveal the vape that hung out of his mouth.

"Sup man." boom's chilled out voice called out in a response to Floyd and the magenta haired teen took the mint flavored device out of his friends mouth,

"Where the hell did you even get this?" Floyd waved the device around in the air with one hand with his other hand on his belt covered hip, a disappointed motherly look plastered on his caramel colored face.

"Ritz man, I wanted weed but he refused to sell cause his plants weren't in season yet so I had to settle for nic instead." Boom swiped his vape back from Floyd and took a puff of the mint flavored smoke.

Floyd rolled his eyes as Boom blew a ring of smoke but he was grateful that Ritz had some sort of lose moral code when it came to selling his supply.

That number one rule that set Ritz apart was that you had to be over 18 and if you were found out that you were a minor or selling to them, his girlfriend took care of that problem really quick.

And you didn't want to fuck with his girlfriend, she was like a hell hound sent to sick anyone who dared to cross Ritz with her barbed metal baseball bat. Floyd remembered how his one of his ex friends was on Rose's hit list; Creek.

Especially since he decided that he was going to try to force his old girlfriend Poppy to hit some of Ritz supply but they ended up breaking up due to argument that followed.

Poppy who happened to be not only be friends with Ritz but was also his step sister, had told him what happened and his girl took the initiative to remind Creek what happens when you not only fuck with Ritz but his little 14 year old sister.

Everyone was pretty sure that Creek is still in that wheelchair after Rose broke both his legs. But he moved after that incident so no one could really know.

But what everyone did know was that Ritz had his two sisters due to his mom remarrying after her husband, Ritz's biological father died when he was 3.Viva his older sister being in her late 20s early thirties and Poppy being 14.

Ritz loved both of his step sisters but messing with Poppy was a death wish and the thing was he only got away with his small operation with his girlfriend playing breaking bad because his mom was the chief of police and his step dad was the mayor of their small backwards town.

Ritz had the ultimate golden card for slipping through the cracks of legality.

"First of all why are you buying shit from Ritz? Are you trying to get in Velvet's radar?" Floyd snarked only for Boom to roll his hazel green eyes at his friend,

"Relax, Velvet knows of me but she doesn't give a shit, she buys from Ritz too specifically his personal strand called pop troll, I heard that shit is wild and acts like a psychedelic because he found a way to breed one of his plants with a mushroom." Floyd definitely didn't need to know that not only his friend bought from Ritz but Velvet too.

"I thought I knew you, jesus I didn't think you'd be cool with Velvet of all people."

"She's meh when you get to know her, narcissistic as fuck but it's chilled down and not that over the top bullshit you usually see."

"So...you ready to walk?" Floyd noticed how the buses started taking off and saw how it was only a few kid and Velvet and her crew, but strangely enough Veneer was missing. The quiet twin was usually by his sister's side fluffing up her already high ego with his constant stream of compliments but now he was missing...

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