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"Woah, careful there kid. That's a long fall." Said the man. "T-thank you, uh, what's your name?" I asked. "I'm Onix." He replied. "Thank you, Onix. My name is Jax. Jax Trevor." "What is a kid like you doing in such a dangerous place? Trust me, you don't want to be here, I'm speaking from personal experience. I'll bring you to somewhere safe." He said. Then, his hands charged up with electricity, and he opened a portal. Just like I did.

When we emerge from the other side, I see a city, much bigger than the village I was in before, with thousands of lights on all skyscrapers. Holograms, all representing the same person, immediately catch my attention. "Welcome to Magen city." Onix said. "Magen?" I ask, in a confused tone. "You don't know him? Look around, and you'll see his face everywhere. Magen founded the city. He's our leader, in all honesty a dear acquaintance, a powerful magician, our face of reality." He replied. "A face of reality? What's that?" I ask, yet again. "You must be new here. A face of reality is a person who owns a World. You might know that by the name of 'universe'." He explained.

So universes here are called worlds? I guess it fits better than just calling them regular universes. All this just for one man? It seems like he's definitely racked up a lot of following over his years. He must've done something really heroic just to have an entire city named after him. "So you got any other questions for me? Or is that all you wanted to ask?" Onix said. I have barely any questions, I just want to dive in...but I need to play it smart.

"I have one more question," I said. Onix's face looked toward me really quickly, "So what is it?" He said. "You mentioned he was a magician, right? Does he know anything about, uh, portals?" Onix gazed at me for a second. "Figured. That's how you got in the tower. He's more of an expert than me in these things, that's for sure." He said, "Can I... ask him about them?" I said. "He'll be glad to help, he'll definitely teach you a load, especially if you need help controlling your abilities." Well thank god, I do need to control them before I try acting all heroic.

I do also wonder what my step parents may think, what if they get a notification on their phone telling them I was absent from school?!

Meh, what does it matter? They're not even my real parents anyway. I take out my phone and check to see the time. Awesome, it's only been around an hour. My phone doesn't have any service or any way I can call my house. Unless I find a way to get service, then I'm definitely going to have missing posters around my town.

"Alright, you got something else?" Onix said. "Nah, I think that's about all I really have in mind." I said, "You got anything to do here though? I'm kind of bored." I'm not lying here. It's kind of boring to just stare at SOMEONE else when they're famous. I want some of that fame too! But how do I get it? I'll save that question for later.

"Well, I guess we can walk around for a little while, I can show you the place." Onix said. "Sure, sounds fun!" I said. I'm kind of surprised I'm getting treated well. I used to be getting treated like dirt by some people. I remember one name, but I don't know the rest. One of their names were Michael, the rest kept their names anonymous.

I remember this one kid. I think he went by...Leon? He used to be bullied all the time and then suddenly, he just disappeared; It was like nothing ever happened. Some people presumed he just committed suicide, or just left to go to another school. But as soon as he left, I was the new target.

Then again, I am a scrawny 14 year old. I can barely defend myself, and I can barely do anything.

As we walk, I see a load of new things. Tall neon buildings, a pink-orange type of sky. The city looked so bright and beautiful I almost forgot where I was just a minute ago. This isn't what I really thought of this place; It reminds me of a warm loving city rather than something I would see out of a horror movie.

Maybe my mom lied to me, or maybe it was just me being gullible. This unknown world may be so much more than a fairy tale.

Then, the sound of a ring. It's a phone, it must be. Onix picks up. "Sorry, just a moment..." He said. Who's he talking to? Is it Magen? Onix seems to be discussing quite fervently, that's for sure. When they are finished, Onix turns back to me. "Good news: you'll see Magen soon. He's arriving here right now. It won't take more than a few minutes." He said.

A few minutes later, the city is beginning to be covered in fog. A faint voice calls from seemingly afar. "Onix! Good to see you. And what do we have here?" A silhouette emerges from the fog, is that...Magen?


That was one insane chapter! Credit goes to Masterspace for most of this chapter, he cooked.

An Unknown World: Volume 1 ReplayedWhere stories live. Discover now