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"W-What?!" I said, "I-I can't do that yet! I don't even know how my power works!" I'm frightened, how can I fight a grown male and win? Maybe if I have good potential? I can't believe this is happening, and in a short amount of time.

I don't feel any great quality to this. "Can't we just avoid it completely?" I said, "It's not like someone is forcing you to do this!" I stare down at the ground, letting my hair cover my eyes. I don't get why he wants to fight me so soon. Is there even a purpose to it?

I guess I just have to defend myself and pray for the best now.

"Do your best, this will be only something the people of the city will see." Magen said. Well that just makes it worse! "I will now allow you to leave. Guards, escort him to the arena."

The guards escort me to the arena. The arena was compact with boxes, swords, and everything needed to fight. Reminded of a coliseum with the way it looked from the inside. I wonder what the people will think of me if I fail, or what if I just win out of nowhere?

I should just focus right now on my battle strategy. Who knows! Maybe I can win by using my head, but who knows what strategy he might come up with. And people are going to be watching too?! This is a horrible situation for me.

Well, right now I have to stay positive.

I guess I'll use a sword for now, and I'll see what I can do with it. Maybe it could be like those video games! Where you can power your sword up and then destroy people with it, and you can make different special moves. Reminds me of an anime.

I hear the heavy clanking of metal chains. I look out from the bars and I see Magen getting ready. He's naked from the waist up, and his sword is so much bigger than mine...

I guess its my time to lock in and fight, since people will be watching. People start flooding the arena and they are cheering, hard. I do wonder how the people who didn't come to the arena felt. The gates are now opening, I can already hear the crowd's cheers and chants.

I grip my sword hard, and I prepare. I get into a swordsman-like stance and the bell finally goes off, Time to fight.

He salutes the audience and taunts me to come forward, I oblige. I run in his direction and try to slash him in the chest, but he parries and pushes me back with his might.

Off-balanced, I try to stabilize myself, but he chases after me, and I have to defend on my backfoot. His strikes, always precise and well-calibrated, push me back more and more. How am I even parrying him?

My only chance is to use my powers. Just as he prepares a big strike, I pass through a portal, barely dodging the attack, and I end up behind him, exploiting his overextension to stab him in the sword carrying shoulder, but I only scrape his skin?!

He still backs up, taking a defensive stance. "What the hell? Engineers, is something wrong in the arena?" He asks. "We don't understand. The anti-portal barrier is active." They reply, from what I can only assume to be a hidden microphone. Anti-portal barrier? "There is no way! That kind of power, at your age?" He seems genuinely frightened.

He attacks, more furiously than before. I dodge through the portal and get behind him again, but he turns around and cuts me in the arm. Ouch! At least it isn't my dominant one. I retreat, what can I do now? He's closing off the distance. Think quickly, dammit! There is nothing I can do now. Unless...

I create a portal. This time, not behind him, but above. As expected, he turns around, revealing his back, and as I fall back down, my sword cuts through.

"You want to play tough kid? Very well. I'll play tough. No more fooling around." He says, and the last thing I can remember is that he began moving faster and faster...

I just see the dark, just a pure empty void now. I open my eyes and I just see myself in some sort of alley; Jeez, that was quick. Way too quick. I feel a sharp pain in my back, and it's making my body hurt, a lot. I wonder how they got me to an alley, but I must've been out for a bit.

I turn to my side and I see someone that- WHOA. He looks so identical, but he has a...beard? "Yeah yeah I know I don't have much facial hair." He said, "Should I introduce myself, or should I just lay here waiting. I used a whole realm point just to get here." What is a realm point? ...Nevermind. "I'm sorry, but why do you look so similar to me?" I asked, "Well I was about to get onto that part. My name is Jax, Jax Trevor." But wait, I'm Jax Trevor! "Let me finish." He said. "Sorry!" I said. "Anyway. I come from a different Realm. A realm is an alternate universe, I know your questions. As I was saying. I've came to give you my own personal customized watch, thing. This helps control your abilities a bit more." He said, "I don't trust that Magen guy one bit, and I suggest you shouldn't either."

Well that was a long speech. "What do you mean I shouldn't trust him? He trusts me as much as I trust him!" I said. "Well, sorry to break your hopes. But you're trusting one of the worst people in your realm." He said. My face went from anger to confusion in an instant. "What do you mean? He's done so much good for the people! I'm starting to think you're the bad one." I said. "Well, he's lying to you. And your believing it. The citizens are being lied to, and they're being forced to do everything. They've all done what you just went through, and only the people with interesting combat and abilities make it through." He said.

He tosses me a watch, and it automatically locks onto my wrist. "Hope this will be of some use. Also, just refer to me as Reality Realm Jax if you think the name is strange." He said, "Anyway, see ya." RR Jax leaves through a portal and he sends me a message through the watch. "Test...Test...Does this thing work?" I reply to his message, "Yes. Yes it does." I turn the watch off and try to teleport to somewhere else. I also have something else to backpack.

I'll check it after I head to another world. I spawn a portal and I fall down just to land on a...gummy? I look down and WHOA! This is huge! Let's see what this is about!

An Unknown World: Volume 1 ReplayedWhere stories live. Discover now