I'm dreaming. My fan impulses me with air, yet I'm in a different space; It's almost as if I had found a key...
The alarm clock punches me with sound. I've been dreaming of many different things lately; These dreams in my head are like different visions.
I've been seeing children going through portals, wielding guns, healing peoples injuries, and I've even seen myself in that group. A memory that hasn't left my head for a long time. It was that day my life changed for the worse, leading me down a dark path. "Jax! It's time for school. I'll leave the breakfast on the table!" said my step mom. I usually walk to school but today something feels different.
I'm impatient, almost like a surge of electricity is going through my body. I wake up, still tired and overwhelmed getting myself ready for school. I get out of my bed, in my underwear as I head over to my closet to wear my clothes. A red turtleneck sweater, black sweatpants, and some random red shoes I found laying around.
I open my door and head downstairs to get the breakfast my step mom left for me. Both of my step parents usually leave around 6:12. It's currently 6:18 AM right now. I need to work out my sleep schedule.
I grab my cell phone and my watch and then grab my backpack and put it on. It's lighter than I...oh, right. Yesterday I threw a fit and threw all my things in the garbage. No wonder it's lighter than usual.
"Do I really have to go to school though? It's always a pain in the ass, especially with those bullies around." I said to myself. The only real trouble I face in my life is bullying, even that is hard to deal with. Getting called an orphan, or even getting called anything is just sad to me because I know it's all the truth. I eat the cereal my step mom left and now my mouth feels a fruity sensation. I walk out to the bus stop and I can see the hills.
I take a seat at the bus stop and I guess now I have to wait...for 32 minutes. What a great life I have, no?
Regardless of how I feel, I have to go anyway; Not like I have much of a choice do I? Another memory I can briefly remember is when everyone went missing. Trent, James, and Lex. They said that they got lost somewhere. The most recent one that I can recall was James.I feel worried about something. Something bad will happen today but I can't quite put my finger on it; I can feel something kind of just pulling my hand. I sit down as I see more people come by the bus stop. I still have 30 minutes to go.
I push these thoughts away from my mind: surely nothing can go wrong, can it? As much as I dislike the prospect of school, after all it's my duty. They'd probably agree as well. Ah, who am I kidding? I'd love to just get out of here. Maybe I'll get into trouble, but... I feel like it's the only way forward, in a sense.
I stand up and leave the bus stop. Where am I going? I don't really know. But this direction feels... right, strangely. It felt so right that I forgot to pay attention to the road, and almost got hit by a car. Soon enough, I am out of the city, and I am heading into the woods. When they were still here, Lex, James and Trent used to play here, and I stayed at home because...because. I couldn't go.
That day I saw something a 4 year old shouldn't have seen. The day I watched both of my parents die a gruesome death. Coincidentally, today is the same day I watched. My mom split in two, then my father comitting suicide over it. Then I watched my friends leave...One by one. I will never forget it, will I? They will never leave me.
Now, I am at the entrance of a cave. What time is it? I still have 14 minutes. Maybe, I could go back. Did I hear something? "I don't... destr..." Why is it so familiar? I think it's a kid's voice. "Is there someone there?" I said, while entering the cave. No response. "IS THERE SOMEONE THERE?" I repeated, but again, nothing. So I walk into it even further. But it's empty. Maybe I just imagined it. I should... probably... go back to school. I still have time.
But as I am about to leave this cave, the floor dematerialises, and I am now falling! In its place, instead, a huge portal opens under my feet, swirling with colour. I try to grab onto a ledge, but it's sucking me right in! My force isn't enough, and soon I precipitate further and further into the portal.
Until I land on a patch of flowers. When I get back up, and look around, I notice that I am in a village. "What the..." I say. This is definitely not normal.

An Unknown World: Volume 1 Replayed
FantasíaJax wakes up from his bed, unwilling to go to school. As he makes it to the bus stop, he gets roped into something unexpected. A fairy tale that went from Myth straight to reality. The young 14 year old boy is now pulled into something unplanned for...