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I stand up from the large gummy I just fell on, and I look around to see a whole bunch of gigantic candies. Is this candy land or something? This just looks like heaven to me. It's something straight out of a fairy tale, the ground, the trees, the animals, and even the houses seem made entirely of all kinds of candy. I wonder if it's edible... maybe later. I should try to find help as soon as possible. Magen is definitely on my trail.

I sneak around the place, better to be cautious. I don't know if the inhabitants of this place are allies of Magen. Sitting behind a cotton candy bush, I spy on a nearby house. Through the windows, I can't see anyone inside. I try checking, I knock on the door and hide in the bushes again, but no one opens the door. It's probably empty. Should I enter? But it isn't my home.

"Excuse me? Not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing in a bush?" Said a voice behind me. I turn around, and it's a candy person. Of course it is. "Oh, uh, sorry. That's embarrassing. Are you the owner of this house?" I reply. "Reply to my question. What were you doing in that bush?" She says. Should I tell her the truth? Actually, would she even believe a word that I say? "Well, uh, I'm just admiring that house. I think it's pretty." I say, trying my best to come up with an excuse. "Do you expect me to believe that?" She says. That's bad. That's really bad.

"I know what you want." She says. "You do?" I ask. "You're just like all other humans. You stinky monster, you want to eat my house." She says. "What? Of course not! I don't want diabetes." I reply. "Oh yeah? Then what were you doing here?" She asks. "I was just trying to find help, maybe shelter. I think I'm in danger." I say. She seems curious. "In danger? Of what?" She says. "Well, long story short, I think I'm being chased by someone called Magen. He's a Face of Reality, I think?" I tell her.

"Magen? If that's true, you're really in some deep trouble. Fine. I guess I'll trust you for now, but if I see you munching on my stuff, you're dead." She says. That's a bit harsh, but I guess it's a good way to make an alliance. "Yes ma'am." I said. "Come on in." She says. She pulls out a chocolate key and opens the door. The inside is exactly what I would expect: a ton of multicoloured candies that resemble common items, like a phone, or table.

"You're sleeping in the basement. I can't let them find you." She said. I do agree on that last part. She shows me the way. We go down a row of stairs, before revealing a room full of random stuff. She sets up an improvised sort of sleeping bag, with a pillow and a blanket, which she covers with a big painting. "Be silent down here." She says. "Why did you decide to help me?" I ask her. "That guy Magen, I don't like him, and neither do you." She says. "So, we're friends?" I ask. "Allies. For now." She replies.

We stand in silence for a bit, and I start thinking. "Hey, quick question. I don't even know your name, or anything. How did you get to the Unknown World, and what's your name?" I asked. "Well, that's a really long story.." She said. "Ah come on! Tell me." I said. "Alright fine! My name is Jess, and I was born and raised in this world. Or this 'part' of the Unknown World as you all call it. I hope you aren't like my old friend, Max." said Jess.

..."Who?" I said, "He sounds interesting. Who was he?" Her face began getting a little angrier. "That's private information. Why should I tell someone like you?" She said, "Or are you just trying to make fun of me?!"
"Not at all, I just wanna know though." I said. "To make a long story short, he was a horrible person. He only used me when we were friends, and it was very gross." she said. "Alright I think you've told me enough about the guy." I said.

"Alright. Are you hungry?" She asks. "Me? A little bit, I guess." I say. She walks up the stairs, but not before telling me: "Remain here." I had no time to reply. Oh well. I guess that in the meantime I could take a look at this place. There's a small tricycle, made with cookies as wheels and candy canes as the frame. I also find a doll house, it looks like a big wedding cake. And there's a photo album. What's that?

But I hear the sound of something shattering. And a muffled feminine voice. "Whoops, officer! My bad. Just let me clean this mess up. I left the broom downstairs, I'll return immediately." Then, panicked footsteps on this staircase. "Quick, they are onto you! I'll distract them, you have to go, uh, whatever your name is!" She whispers. "Jax. My name is Jax Trevor." I reply. "Jax. Now go!" She goes back up the stairs. I follow, slowly and silently. In front me, with their backs turned against me, there are two people. It's definitely Magen and Onix. "Oh, where are my manners. Do you both want a cup of tea?" Jess says to them. "We don't have the time. Have you seen a kid? Brown hair, quite tall, his name was Jax." Onix says. Can I teleport out? What if they brought that anti-portal tech? My powers aren't as strong outside of combat. I guess I'll try sneaking. "Never seen anyone like that before." Jess said, while noticing me. "But, if a thief sneaked into my home, I think they'd be in the attic. That's the most hidden room." She told them. Perfect. I hide, and sure enough, they fall for it. I can hear their footsteps. That gives me enough time to get out.

I salute Jess and go for the door. I open it and I'm out. I run away as far as possible, before taking a break behind a tree. That was close - "MAGEN, I GOT HIM." Ow, he catched my arm! "Very clever, Jax, but we saw you from the attic's window. You're coming with us." Onix says. "LET ME GO!" I shout, but he only strengthens his grip. Now I have no choice. I spawn a portal beneath us, and we fall both into what seems like Magen city.

"Stop resisting! Why are you being so difficult!" Onix says. "Listen, Onix, we need to talk. I'm just trying to talk, Onix." I say, and I take a defensive stance. "I follow only Magen's orders." Onix said. His voice sounds a whole lot different, way different then when we first met. "You don't have to follow his anymore! You're just being another slave in his world!" I said. "You wouldn't get it!" He said. "Yes I would! I know what you feel, and I know what you're going through. Can't you see you're only being used?!" I said. He stared at the ground and he didn't respond.

He put his palm up and spawned a portal right behind me. The force was enough for me to fall back into it, and I fall down the portal at a constant speed. I land on a side-walk, and I land on the hard concrete. Luckily on my feet. A pain springs on my feet, but I manage to stay standing. Man that hurt, especially after all of that.

I look at the city, and it looks surprisingly...familiar. It reminds me of something from my old world, I think it was something like Onka City. It's where I lived and where I used to go see my friends on the weekends. It's almost identical..wait a minute, what about Jess?! I wonder what Magen and Onix are doing! This isn't good at all. I need to go rescue her.

I will rescue her.


Huge thanks to Masterspace for this chapter! @Masterspace69 incase anyone wants to follow him.

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