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We land onto compact snow. Ow. That hurts a lot more than the snow I'm used to. When I pull myself up, what I see is that we're in the North Pole or something. "Are you all alright?" Jess asks. "Yeah." Clyde and I say. "What's this place?" I ask. "Brrr. It's so cold." Clyde says. "Wait, hold on, I have clothes. Lots of them. Take these." Clyde, Jess and I dress up as much as we can, we even struggle to move afterwards.

A sign in front of us says "SNOW ZONE." A big snowy mountain covers the rest of our view. It's so cold. It feels like I'll receive frostbite at any moment, "Can't you just spawn another portal t-t-to get us out of here?!" Jess says, while shivering. I try to concentrate and open a portal, but the intense cold seems to be affecting my powers. It's like the chill is freezing my abilities. Jess and Clyde huddle closer to stay warm as we search for shelter in this icy wilderness.

As we trudge through the icy landscape, the wind howling around us, we spot a faint glow in the distance. Curious and desperate for warmth, we follow the light, hoping it will lead us to safety. As we draw closer to the glowing light, we see a faint outline of a Castle? Why's there a castle in the middle of the snow?!

"What's that?" I say. We get closer, and yeah. There's literally an ice castle right there. A giant block of ice 50 meters high and wide twice as much, in the middle of literally nowhere. Why am I even surprised anymore?

As we open the creaking ice door, Jess falls over. Clyde runs over to Jess and picks her up. "Jess, JESS?!" Clyde screamed. I dash over to where they are and we see the cookie fall off of Jess. "What the hell?!" I said. She wakes up, and breathes heavily. I stumble back and see a now human Jess. What is this?!

She stands up and we finally see her...uncookiefied? "Hey Jax, did Jess just disappear? Who is this girl?" Clyde says, "I'm Jess you moron!" said Jess. "What? Tell me something only the true Jess would know." He said. "Do you even know me enough for that?" She replied. "Oh. Right." Clyde said.

"Ok can we stop talking and move on for once?! Who knows if Magen already has this placed occupied." I said, with an angered voice. I genuinely do wonder if they did already take over this place. I turn around and...can I even be surprised?! 10 Magen soldiers appear right to my side.

I unsheathe my sword from my waist and I begin teleporting around them, maneuvering with every move I do. I slice three in a row, that's definitely a new record! But against the fourth, I remain with just a mere handle and shrapnel at stomach level. The sword didn't even make a clinking sound from how freezed and brittle it became, only a dull thump. "Oh no, this is bad." I said.

My sword is now broken. What do I do?! What do I do?! He takes the safety off of his gun. Think quick! Before I wind up dead. I spawn a portal under me and I spawn up top, leading me to slam him onto the ground. Nice! Now to take care of the rest. I stomp on the guards face, and I move onto the other 6. I spawn two portals; One near me, and one near the sixth guard. I throw my fist into it, and it comes right out of the other portal. I throw myself into the portal and I kick him down onto the frozen ground, leaving a huge crack in the floor.

Was I this strong before? Or is this just me now. I turn and look at Clyde and Jess. The expression on their faces show that they are just as shocked as I am. "Jax look out!" Clyde said. The fifth guard hits me with a clean uppercut that sends me back a bit. I regain my sense again, and I punch him right in his stomach. It sends him back a lot. I dodge a sneak attack from the fourth one.

I'm lucky my instinct caught that, or I would've been hit. Taking hits in the cold is way more painful than in the heat! I counter his punch with a right hook, that sends him to the side. I spawn a portal from the side, and I spawn another one on the roof. The last ones all approach me at the same time, but I spawn a portal right under them, teleporting them right onto the roof of the castle.

An Unknown World: Volume 1 ReplayedWhere stories live. Discover now