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"Jeez, are you two going to continue arguing or what?" I said. "Tell the fiend to stop, and then I'll stop." said Amarah. "I'm not a fiend!" said Jess. Seems like they're gonna get along just fine. I spawn a portal, and now our next location will be Magen City. "Hop in everyone." I said. We all jump through the portal and we land right on pure rubble and dust. The streets are not lively anymore, they look rebelled. It's like a rebellion started happening, all because of me.

I look back and everyone's moving along a dusty path. A lot of rock and rubble is covering us, making sure we're hidden. I follow them and as I stare forward, I see many of Magen's guards. And there he was, Magen himself. "It's his fault! Not mine! None of this would've happened if Onix had've just captured him!" said Magen. I see Onix's death in my head again, his death keeps flashing in my head over and over.

The ash and rubble still covers the ground. I keep following them, before Jess whispered, "Lead the way Jax." We need to finish this, for good. For every innocent person that's died, and for everyone that's lost their families to this man.

They enter a massive tower, that almost seems to suffocate the nearby buildings. We are underprepared and outnumbered, we can't just rush in. "Hey Jax, what's that glow I see there?" Jess says, pointing at the direction. I can see it as well, but I can't identify the source. "Let's see," I say.

"Yeah, let's go!" Amarah says. "No, Amarah, you and the others remain here." I say. "What? It's because you don't trust me, isn't it?" She says. "What? No, it's just because it's safer, Amarah," I reply. "Yeah, of course." She says, sarcastically. "Amarah, stop whining. Jax made a decision, accept it," Jess says. "Shut up, you cookie monster!" Amarah shouts. "Enough! Calm down, or you'll reveal our position!" Clyde says, and Amarah tries to reply, but Jess shuts her mouth.

I wonder why she wanted to be with me so bad? Maybe she wanted something. Whatever. She was visibly angered, I could tell. She left with Clyde and they head onto the tower. "Alright what is it that you saw?" I said, "It's right in front of you." said Jess. I look right in front of me, and all I see is a black box. "A black box? Really." I said, "Yes, open it!" said Jess. She seems really excited to open this up for some reason. I open the box and I see armor, but this seemed way too futuristic for my liking. I touch it, and it clings onto my arms and runs up my body.

This is weird technology.

I punch myself in the stomach, and it barely hurts. It's weird, but it's really advanced. Jess touches the chest plate, and...Well same result.

My hands start to tingle with electricity. Was it because of the armor? Man who knows. I open a portal straight to the tower, and I'm in a hall. "Lead the way Jax." said Jess. I walk down the steel halls, carefully making sure we aren't noticed by a guard or anyone else. I hear a metal screeching noise and I immediately lock in.

What if Amarah and Clyde are in danger?! I need to get there fast, before both of them wind up dead. They shouldn't die, not for me; I get there and I immediately see guards, and Clyde on the floor with a slice mark on his back. "What the hell?!" said Jess. Since when was she following me?! "Clyde what happened?" I asked. "Jax...Run." said Clyde, while he was still bleeding. I pick up his body and I take him with me.

What the hell? A shadow lurks above me, and I move back. It felt like the right thing to do. The shadow looked off. Is that...Amarah?! A blade punctured the ground and it caused the floor to rip and tear. "I can't believe I missed. I should've killed you a while ago." said Amarah. "See I knew she was hiding something!" said Jess, her face surprised. Well that's not good, at all! I only won due to distractions last time! I look to my left and I see a fire alarm, I dash over and I pull it, letting water and fog fill the area. I pull Jess's arm and we take off running.

No looking back whatsoever. I sprint to a door nearby, and I'm still holding Clyde on my shoulders. I keep running and the door closes, letting us breathe. "I told you Jax, I knew it from the start! She was hiding the fact that all she wanted to do was kill you from the start!" said Jess. "I think that's not important right now. Please fix Clyde's wounds up, and fast. We need to make sure he doesn't die." I said.

What in the hell is even going on anymore? It's starting to feel more like a track race than a fight. I teleport outside of the room and I kick Amarah right in her face; My fists start pumping pure electricity and I start hitting her with every little move I can. I throw a barrage of blows right to her body, head, and side.

She manages to move out of the way of my last punch and she swings her sword. I'm so lucky my reaction time is good, I would've been cut in two there. I teleport up and I kick her into the ground, sending us three stories down. "Why are you doing this?! Why are you fighting?!" I asked. "I need that money for my brother!" she said. She has a brother?

"Wait what? A brother?" I said. "Magen offered me a paycheck of 20 Million. I needed to get me and my brother out of the poverty life that we lived." said Amarah. "Then we should beat him and then you can get all the money you want." I said. "He's fulfilled his part of the deal, and now it's my turn." she said. She swung her sword at my head and I teleport downwards, drawing my own sword and making sure not to do any real damage.

"Listen to me! I can help you way better than he can!" I said. "I need to beat you and fulfill my part. That's the only way I can finish the deal!" she said. We swung the swords and we clashed. Amarah's sword is close to cracking.

I teleport behind her and punch her back against a wall. "Stop fighting! You're already drained out of your stamina." I said. "No, I can't!" she said. I have to leave and check on them. "I'm sorry Amarah, but I can't continue. See ya." I said before I teleport back to the library and close my portal.

As I land on the dusty carpet, I look at them. Are they both...asleep? My vision starts to go dark almost immediately, and I can't focus. I fall onto the ground and I leave into darkness.

Well damn?! I wake up in a classroom. But something's off, really off. "Welcome students! Welcome! You ready to learn something new?" Magen said, his voice booming over loudspeakers. "Jax your here! Something had me placed to sleep, I can't tell what it was but it must've been Magen who did this." said Clyde. I feel something humid under my feet. Wait a minute...Is that water? Did one of the pipes burst?! "Uh oh! Seems like that needs to be fixed! Well, too bad! You all will die within 8 minutes! And your souls will be trapped here in this very classroom forever!" Magen said, before laughing.

We need to find a way out, and fast. Or else we'll all down and become a part of his game. We can't lose right here, we've came too far to lose. No way I'll lose now.

An Unknown World: Volume 1 ReplayedWhere stories live. Discover now