Chapter Eight

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Second Person POV

The day of the hearing has arrived. You sat on the top foyer of the court room as Sera and Emily sat a level below you as everyone waited for Adam, Lute and the person to arrive. Emily looked very excited as she kept looking up at you with a big smile on her face.

After some time, the person we were all waiting for finally arrived with a plus one. You saw them walk into the court room and start to make their way towards their spot.

" that-" you whispered as she leaned closer to the railing. She looks just like him!

All of a sudden, you felt this strong familiarity when you got a closer look at this new person approaching their seat. You couldn't quite put your finger on what it was but for some reason, it felt like the one who they remind you of was very close to your heart.

Sera then began to explain what this hearing was about, then mentioned for them to begin. "Princess Morningstar?" Sera spoke.  Your eyes widened upon realizing who it was. It was Lucifer's daughter! Oh my, she is the spitting image of her dad!

The princess who walked in stepped forward and began to speak in a calm and smooth voice. "Hello! I am Charlie Morningstar, it is a pleasure to meet everyone." They way the girl spoke was beautiful and elegant, just the way her dad spoke. The same smile and calm nature as Lucifer as well. You smiled warmly at the princess as you continued to listened to her words, intrigued with her ideas. "Low blow Karen!" Adam interrupted your focus. Throughout the time Charlie voiced her ideas, Adam continued to interrupt her. "Adam, manners please." you called out. 

As Lucifer's daughter continued to voice her case, you could see that Adam just couldn't help but interrupt her at times. It was getting irritating at this point. Adam was getting frustrated at this point as his voice rose in pitch. "Why are we even letting this hell-born be here?She's clearly just going to spout the same nonsense as Lucifer about how sinners should be given a second chance. Like father like daughter indeed."

Lucifer's daughter chose to ignore Adam and continued to try and state her case, but the more she spoke, the more Adam's frustration grew. Adam sighed in annoyance as he spoke. "This is absolutely ridiculous, I really can't believe this is even something being brought before us in the first place." 

Adam then left his seat as he began to threaten Charlie that they will target her and her hotel in the next extermination day, which is in a month.

Charlie look shocked but decided to stand her ground as Adam got closer to her, she was starting to get somewhat sad and frustrated. Adam began to speak in a much harsher tone as he looked at Charlie and said, "Are you even listening to me? We're not even taking you seriously, this whole idea you have is completely ridiculous."

"It is not!" you yelled out as you flew down and landed in between Adam and Charlie, shielding the girl from the grown man. Charlie looked extremely surprised and startled when you suddenly swooped in and got in between the two. She seemed speechless on how to even respond to this. Adam's face was extremely angry and he was clearly frustrated with the whole situation. Adam spoke angrily, "Why are you even getting between us?! This doesn't involve you!"

"I believe that it is possible for a sinner's soul to be redeemer. It does not hurt to try, if it fails it fails but at least we gave them a chance." I argued back as I could see some of the other angels starting to agree and argue to one another. You could see the whole scene starting to turn into a debate rather than a one sided argument between Adam and Charlie. You could see the majority of the angels starting to speak up and share their thoughts on the matter.

Adam spoke angrily in a louder tone, "And what would be the point in this? The sinners down there have already been judged and given their sentences."

"Adam, you of all people should know second chances are invaluable. You were given many chances so why couldn't they?" I argued assertively.

Adam immediately went silent upon hearing the truth being spoken. He couldn't argue with you when he knew very well that you were right. Adam couldn't find the words to reply to you as you made your point so strong. Finally he spoke weakly, "Well they are the sinners, humans who lived a life of sin and wrongdoings. How could they possibly be worthy enough of a chance to be redeemed?"

You were about to speak back when Sera had announced the results. "This court finds that it is not possible to redeem a sinner's soul Therefore, this Hazbin Hotel of ours will not be acknowledged as a place of redemption." Sera explained. Adam had a look of satisfaction as he opened a portal to send Charlie and her girlfriend back to Hell, threatening that they will come for them next month. "Don't worry Charlie! I will find a way!" Emily called out from the top.

You looked at Adam and growled in frustration. "That was uncalled for." Adam gave you a sharp look and he was clearly annoyed with the attitude you were giving him. 

After seeing Charlie and her girlfriend disappear through the portal, the portal started to close up. Adam smiled in disbelief and walked towards you. "Unnecessary? The girl and her girlfriend are sinners, their place is in hell not heaven. What is so wrong with the truth?"

"Her girlfriend was one of your best ones wasn't she? What, you're going to exterminate her too?"

Adam laughed very harshly and his anger was starting to leak out. "Of course I will be exterminating her too! Those sinners don't deserve to live, and that's the damn truth! So stop trying to argue with me about this!"

"You've changed...You aren't the Adam I once knew. I'm disappointed in you", you spat back before flying off to somewhere quiet. 

Adam's entire aura and demeanour changed completely upon hearing those words. His anger turned into regret/sadness and it was clear the words hit deep and hurt him very much. He didn't know what to say in response to this, Adam was at a loss for words for once. After a few seconds of just looking in your direction and thinking about this situation as he got a glimpse of sadness in his eyes, Adam spoke softly and whispered. "I'm aware."

Adam let out a long sigh and nodded at this, he knew that the person he once was, was gone. The kind, empathetic Adam that was once always thinking about others and their well-being was gone. He no longer cared like he used to and he was nothing like the Adam you knew. His heart was very cold and he no longer cared or had concern for others.

Adam looked very sad when he spoke but he spoke very calmly in a matter of fact way, "I'm fully aware."


Hi guys! Sorry for the week long no updates! I was really busy after doing 12-hours shifts but hey only 220 more to go then I'm done working for free!!!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, a little boring but hey! What story doesn't have a boring chapter every now and then?

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