Chapter One

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Third Person POV

Y/N was stationed on Earth to watch over Adam and Lilith, she was ordered to only watch but to intervene only when necessary. She sat on a tree, not too far away from the two humans but far enough to not be distracting. 


I smiled under the sun as I watched Adam and Lilith continue on with their day with no arguments, so far. A bird landed on my hands as I began to gently stroke its feathers, to which the bird was enjoying. Looking around my surroundings, I then noticed another angel on a tree off in the distance.

"Lu? Is that you?!" I greeted with a smile as I immediately flew towards him. Lucifer jumped in surprise as I arrived by his side. "Y/N! Oh my heavens, you startled me! What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding nervous. Oh how much I love surprising him from time to time.

"I'm here to watch over Lilith and Adam as per Sera's orders. What about you?" I asked as I gave him an embrace when I landed beside him on the tree he was in. Lucifer smiled brightly. "I'm doing the same but they're really boring, not like I like anyone down here though. So I'm mainly only here to look at the different creatures." he replied nervously as I embraced him.

"So you don't like me?" I pouted, jokingly, as I pulled away from Lucifer. To which earned a shock expression from him. "Wait! No! That's not what I mean! I-I um", he seemed flustered.

"I'm just kidding Lu!" I laughed as I playfully slapped his arm. Lucifer's cheeks turned redder and redder as he sighed in relief. "Oh thank heavens. You're adorable, you know that?"

"I am? How?" 

Lucifer chuckled at my response. "You don't know how cute you are?" he said as he brushed my hair away and smiled widely. "I think all the angels can agree that you are the most beautiful angel in all of Heaven, and I don't disagree with them. How can I disagree though? Your beauty is heavenly. If looks could kill, you would have every angel dead!" Lucifer laughed, as I blushed at his compliment. "Awe, stop it Lu!"

"Seriously though! Your beauty is the sweetest and most gentle thing I've ever seen. If my father, God, made a definition for beauty, he'd have to have taken yours into consideration. And your beauty is only one of the many things that makes you beautiful. You are really kind-hearted, caring, sweet, charming and playful to add to it" Lucifer smiled brightly. "You're too sweet Lu" I replied softly.

Lucifer blushed. "N-No, you're the sweet one! Just look at you! You could charm anyone and make them fall in love with you." I chuckled at Lucifer's embarrassment and blushed face before taking notice of the creature he had in his hands. "Now who is this little fella?" I asked as I gently stroked the creature.

Lucifer looked down at the creature in his hand. "Oh this is a duck", he replied with a smile before putting it down. "It just reminded me of you"

"Oh my! Is this the creature you suggested to be created?!" I asked with excitement as I watched the duck cutely waddle away. "Yes! Do you like it?!" Lucifer asked as his face then lit up with joy. "Of course! It's so cute, but wait, how does it remind you of me?"

Lucifer laughed as he ran his fingers through my hair. "You have the same eyes as a duckling you know? They're so pure, and has no much innocence in them. I sometimes wonder how you're so pure and innocent, unlike other angels. You're so kind to everything and everyone!"

"Hehe, yea...I am the very epitome of kindness aren't I?" I giggled.

"You are indeed! And that's one of the many reasons why you're my favourite angel in all of heaven!"

"Awe, I'm honoured to hear that from one of God's son himself!" I smiled brightly.

Lucifer laughed at my response. "I'm just really saying the truth here. I even think my brothers agrees with me"

"Really? You think so!" I blushed at the thought of the rest of the Archangels noticing me, a regular angel. "I'm sure of it. You're so sweet, anyone could just fall in love with you. I don't think a single angel in heaven could hate or even dislike you" Lucifer responded as he looked at me with so much admiration.

I blushed even more as Lucifer continued to shower me with compliments until something caught my eye. It was Lilith and Adam bickering and arguing...again. "Ugh, what is it about now?" I groaned, knowing it would've most likely been Adam's fault.

Lucifer chuckled as he watched them bicker. "You know, I've noticed something about these two. They have a very unhealthy relationship with each other, you know for the first humans on earth, they really are toxic."

"They really are. Here, why don't you try to talk to Lilith and I'll try to talk to Adam. Let's figure out how to help them?" I suggested, as i waited for Lucifer to response to my suggestion.

"Sure, I'll go to her now! Good luck with Adam! He's a difficult one," Lucifer warned and smiled at me. "I know! I might have to put him in his place with my kindness", I chuckled.

Lucifer laughed at my response. "He'll come to his senses, I mean who could resist you? If they do, I'm sure a little talk with them will make them change their minds."

"Hopefully. Anyways bring Lilith back here in...30 minutes?"

"Of course!" Lucifer smiles. With that, Lucifer flew off to talk to Lilith. Once he was gone, I flew to where Adam was to try and calm him down and talk some senses into him.


So how is it so far?

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