Chapter 1: Where Did It All Go Wrong

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~3 Years Later~

A chilly day on the first of December. And just as the school bell rings to mark the end of the school day before the weekend, students begin to file out the door. But two students in particular stop on the stairs and wait for their respective rides.

17-year-old Luz Clawthorne-Whispers and 16-year-old Amity Blight stand atop the steps, holding hands. Luz clears her throat. "So, am I still picking you up for dinner tonight?" she asks. Amity giggles softly. "Yes, Luz."

"And you're sure you can go? Your mom isn't gonna try to pull a fast one like she did last time, right?"

Amity sighs. "Luz, I'm positive. I made sure I was good to go with my dad. And I'm pretty sure he's super annoyed with me after I wouldn't stop bringing it up."

Luz chuckles, pulling Amity into a hug. "Good. Tonight's going to be perfect." She says. Amity giggles. "Luz, it doesn't need to be perfect." she says. "Blasphemy!" Luz replies. "It is our first anniversary! One whole year since we got together. I've got to do it up for you."

Amity blushes. "You don't need to do anything special. I'll be happy as long as we're together."

"I know, but your siblings will just about kill me if I don't make this a bigger deal than I was already going to."

The conversation is interrupted by a loud honk from the other side of the parking lot. Luz and Amity look over to see a dark blue car sitting, with Amity's two older siblings in the front seat.

"That's my ride. I'll see you tonight?" Amity says. Luz nods quickly. "Yup. I just have to run some errands with Mom and then I'm all yours."

Amity's face fills with concern. "Promise you'll be careful?" Luz rolls her eyes playfully. "Don't worry, amor. It's just a teeeeeeny bit of shopping and some driving practice. Nothing too bad." "Babe, please? I love Eda, but she's not exactly the safest driver, and on Fridays there are more likely to be drunk drivers on the road. I just don't want anything to happen to you." Luz nods. "I know you're worried, mi vida, but you shouldn't be. I'll be careful while driving, and Raine will be on the phone to make sure Eda's careful. Nothing will happen."

Amity sighs. "Alright, I trust you." she says. The car honks again, pulling the two out of their conversation. Luz chuckles. "You go ahead and head home. I'll see you tonight." she says. Amity nods. "I'll see you tonight."

Amity starts to walk down the steps, but Luz calls out to her. "Ami, wait up a sec. I forgot something."

Amity stops, as Luz steps toward her. Amity raises a brow. "What did you forget?" she asks. Luz smiles, and pulls her in for a kiss. Amity blushes bright red, but returns the kiss quickly. After a moment, Luz pulls away with a small smile. "I love you. Bye."

Amity squeaks and quickly makes her way towards her sibling's car. She quickly opens the door and hops into the backseat, sitting on the right side behind the passenger seat. Her siblings turn around in their seats to face her.

"Hey Mittens!" They say in unison. "Whoa, you okay? You're looking a little red there." Her sister says. Amity whines, laying on her side. "That woman will be the death of me!"

The older two look at each other, then back at their little sister. "What did Luz do?" her brother asks. Amity sits up, putting on her seatbelt. "She kissed me! Like... in public!"

Amity's older brother gasps. "Scandalous!" he says. Amity rolls her eyes. "Ed, this is serious."

"Can you believe this Em?" The brother- Edric- asks his twin sister.

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