Chapter 13

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Day 2

As you were running down the university's hallways, afraid you would be late for your lecture, you saw him just standing there. He was completely out of it, dazed off. You slowly came to a stop next to him and looked at him, he looked dead.

His hair was a mess, he eyes carried dark circles under them, his clothes were ragged, his lips were chapped.

You didn't know what was wrong, but you wanted to kiss him and tell him it would be okay; but that's when reality snapped back into you.

He had been avoiding you.

Your eyes slightly widened as you clutched onto your textbooks, your hand reaching down to his right wrist. "What is wrong with you?" You ask slowly gripping his wrist tighter.

He simply looked at you, even though he was a mess, his eyes showed so much concern. "What do you mean?" His voice was raspy.

"What do you mean what do I mean?!" You lost it, you looked up at him with glassy eyes. "Why have you been avoiding me?!"

Armin couldn't have found an answer, even if he did have a reasonable one he didn't want to tell you.

"Answer me!" You let go of his wrist and brought yours up to your chest to clench the fabric that was hovering over your heart. "T-tell me!" Your voice quivered with every syllable.

"[F/n]." He spoke as you could see his eyes getting glassy as well.

"Tell me! Do you know what's going through me head every time I see you and you just leave after a minute?!" You ask as the tears had finally fallen. "I have cried so many times hoping and wishing that you aren't cheating on me!"

"[F/n]. Please I-"

"No, you need to listen to me now." You hugged your books closer to you as you hid your face in them, not wanting to see him. "I have been feeling very upset, I always hope that you're not cheating on me but when you're always leaving it pains me."

He just looked at you as tears were threatening to fall from his sky blue eyes. He had never wanted you to feel this way.

"A-and we hardly see each other anymore! I miss our days that we would spend together, and when we don't have lectures how we would spend them with each other. I- I miss it all." You looked at your textbook wiping away a tear that was sliding down. Your voice cracked, "it doesn't help." You say as you sit on a nearby bench that was inside.

"What doesn't help?" He asks stepping close to where you were sitting, you just scooted away.

"The fact that you're avoiding me and I'm having these thoughts." You say as you wipe your tears away with the sleeves on your thin sweater.

"I'm not avoiding you, I promise. I just have been really busy. I'm so sorry I made it seem that way," he bent down to his knees in front of you taking one of your hands and looking into your red tear stained eyes. "You know I would never do that, and if you felt I was avoiding you then why didn't you tell me in the first place?"

You sighed heavily, "I always thought if I complained about everything I would become a burden and you'd want to leave me." You confessed as you were reluctant to believe him or not.

"[F/n]. You should never think like that." He hugged you to where his face couldn't be seen, "I would never want you to feel that way, and I wouldn't do it, ever." He pushed away to look you into your [color] eyes.

When he did you saw redness around them and how tears were dripping down his cheeks. "Don't feel that way again, okay?" He says as he puts on a weak smile for you.

You cry at the sight of your boyfriend crying in front of you and the way he must feel for you feeling this way, "okay." You wipe away his tears with your thumbs and kiss his forehead.

"After your next break why don't we go somewhere? Just the two of us so I can make up for all of this." He suggests as he helps you up and places a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Yeah, I would love that." You respond as you look at him, softly smiling that this mishap was fixed.


"Hey, you made it just in time." Farlan whispered as you sat next to him. He noticed your puffy red nose and red eyes, "hey did something happen?" He asks.

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's okay." You reply giving him a real smile

Farlan just looked at you very confused. He didn't know whether you were lying or not. You had tear stains down your cheeks and your eyes and nose were red. Why would he be confused?

Did something terrible happen? Farlan passed a sheet of paper to you.

No, nothing bad happened; I promise. You wrote back on the same piece of paper and slid it back to him. He wouldn't stop passing notes to you until you told him what happened and so you did.

He smiled and slightly nodded, he was happy it all cleared up for you.

You could barely pay attention, but this time it was for a better reason. You wanted time to pass until your next break so you could finally have time with Armin.


"Hey [f/n] where are you going?!" Farlan shouted at your running figure.

"I'm going to hang out with Armin!" You shouted as you stopped running and looked back at Farlan. You were smiling so happily,you turned back around and opened the doors to go outside.

Expecting it to be all sunny, with a rainbow, and birds flying all over the place like a romantic movie, you were disappointed when you saw how dark the sky was, no sight of the sun anywhere, it was beginning to rain.

You sighed heavily as a frown appeared on your face.

"It's pretty dark outside huh?" You looked back and up to see Armin.

You smiled at him and said, "I don't think it matters as long as I'm with you."

He gave you his signature shy smile and took your hand.

You had no idea where Armin was going to take you now but you were happy that you could spend more than a second with him.

"Wait, Armin. Where are you taking us? It's raining outside," you said as you stopped in the middle of the hall to look up at him.

"Well, a little rain won't hurt us, right?" He asks as he smiles sweetly at you. "It still doesn't ruin the plans I had for today, now let's go." He said as he began to walk again, and you following suit.

Thoughts came into your mind. Was waiting this long really worth it? Did I forgive him to easily? You asked yourself but then you saw Farlan giving you a thumbs up. You smiled and returned a thumbs up to him as well.

He would never do that.


I love him.


I hope he loves me back.

The Boy In My Class - Armin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now