Chapter 4

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"I swear. You guys were loud! And I tried to sleep to you know!" You exclaimed as you walked into fourth period with Hanji, Armin, and Jean.

"It wasn't my fault she called me a horse," Jean said glaring daggers at Hanji.

"I did not call you a horse!" She chuckled, "I just glared at you."

"After I said horses!" He said as he took his assigned seat.

"You brought that onto yourself buddy," she said as she gave him a devious smirk.

"But all I said was to calm your horses?" He said growing confused by Hanji's statements.

"And I looked at you because you said horses. You technically called yourself a horse," she said as she spun a pencil between her index and middle finger.

"Oh my god. Can't this wait till lunch?" You ask the both of them as you glared daggers at the two. They became quite shortly afterwards. But Jean kept mumbling to himself, things like, "I do not look like a horse. Do I?"

You slightly chuckled to yourself as you directed your attention to your folder. Then the bell rang, letting the hell of the halls come into a calm manner.

"Hello class," Mr. Smith said already dreading this period. To be honest you think he hates this class. Why? Because of Jeans remark on the first week of school, and because this class was bad. Considering both Jean and Eren were in the same class.

"Good afternoon Eyebrows," Hanji said as she introduced him with his new nickname. For some reason when it came to Hanji calling him eyebrows or anything of the sort, he wouldn't care. But when it came to Jean, Mr. Smith was making it rain detention slips.

He sighed heavily as he went to his desk. "This week you will have a project," cue the class groaning, except Hanji. "It will be done outside of class and due on Friday," he said making the class groan even more, including Hanji this time.

"You will be paired up with the people I paired you up with," now the whole class was calling him names under their breathes.

"Go to the wall on the left, third paper, that's your class. Look for your last name and the people along that line is your group. Each group has three kids, so I except to only see three in each group." He said, boredom growing in his voice.

"I would like to see the projects be creative. If they are, extra ten points on your next test. I'm feeling generous today," he finished.

At that, the teenagers faces in this class glowed. It was a freebe to go to a 70 to an 80 who wouldn't be happy about that?

You sluggishly got up and waited for your turn as the whole class crowded around that paper.

You looked for your last name and read the others on there.

Arlert. And Jaeger. You thought.

You actually felt the weight off your shoulders, glad that you didn't get Jason. He was the lazy kid in the class, cheating off people, taking their credit, that kind of guy.

You saw Eren making his way to the paper, you tugged on his ear.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"You're in my group, with Arlert." You said, as you looked towards Eren he had his mouth in the shape of an 'o'.

"Yeah," you said as you approached the sitting blonde.

"Armin we're in your group!" Eren said happily as he sat in one of the desks.

"Oh that's cool. Just like old times huh?" Armin said smiling a bit.

"Yeah," you and Eren said at the same time.

"Excuse me Eyebrows! What's the project about?" Hanji asked as she was in a group with Jean and Levi.

"I'll explain once everyone has found their groups," he said as he clicked links on his computer.

You remained quiet. It was unusual. You would be bursting out laughing with Eren at this point. But, it just felt awkward. However you didn't know why.

"Hey? Are you okay [f/n]?" Armin asked as heade his way to you.

"Oh y-yeah I'm fine," you said as your cheeks began to grow pink.

"No you're not. Your cheeks are," he stopped to put the back of his hand on your cheek, "they're hot! I think you're coming down with a fever [f/n]."

"Oh. No, no I'm not! Promise! It's just a um, a bit hot in here," you said as you began fanning yourself with paper.

Eren tried holding back a laugh. You gave him your usual glare and he couldn't help but let the laugh spill.

"You just gotta kiss the girl!" Hanji exclaimed as she noticed what was going on.

You took the folder and covered your face with it. Then you put your head down, face on desk. You felt as if someone was holding a lighter to your face.

"Did everyone find their groups?" Mr. Smith asked, your face still planted to the desk. Everyone groaned yes, signaling for him to move on.

"Alright this will be about the Jamestown settlement and the relationship between the English and Indians," he started. Everyone was confused.

After the whole rough sheet and explaining Mr. Smith allowed everyone to talk about what they were going to do.

"I think we should-," Armin started.

"Hang out this weekend. Meet at my place," Hanji said cutting off Armin off.

"You're not in this group, are you Hanji?" Eren asked, being a smart butt.

"Nope," Hanji said popping the 'p'. "But I'd like to hang out with everyone this weekend. How about it?"

Your group looked at each other and smiles crept on everyone's faces.

"Definitely," Eren said, "who else is going?" He asked while looking around.

"Well you guys for starters. Levi, dragging him there, Jean, Petra maybe, Sasha, I don't know people! You'll know when your at my place!" She said as she began to walk back after being scolded by Mr. Smith for not being with her group.

"If Jean's going. I'm not going," Eren said while scowling at Jean who wasn't even looking at him.

"Eren just please try to go? I'm sure it'll be fun!" You said as you pleaded and begged.

"Yeah Eren, it won't be the same without you," Armin said smiling faintly at him.

"Alright. Fine. I'll go," he gave in after five minutes of pleading.

"Yay!" You exclaimed, then getting scolded afterwards.

"So about the group project," Armin started earning groans from you and Eren.

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