Anna's second chance...

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Trinity and Loki was hanging out a friend's house. Loki was keeping an eye on her because she was drinking and who they was around.
It had been a few months since the fire ordeal and Anna had apparently apologized so Trinity thought of giving her another chance.
He loved how big her heart was but in some ways he also despised it. Because in the end, they just going to hurt her worst.
It started out as a few people watching movies to them having a fire while drinking.
"These people party more than Thor does" Loki said to himself as he was scanning around trying to find Trinity. He spotted her in the kitchen talking to a few people. He decided to go outside for some air so he went to sit on the porch.
He walked outside to find Tim sitting on the porch as well, smoking a cigarette. He looked up at him and took a deep drag on cigarette.
"Loki, was it?"
"Yeah, and your name is Tim?"
"Yep come sit and talk to me. How you and my little sister meet"
He hated when they called her that. They didn't see her that way. Just another way to mess with her head...and her heart.
Loki sat down "oh I went to go help her one night at a cafe after some drunken fool tried his chance"
"Let me guess...she turned on you..." He said with a little smirk.
Loki smiled at the memory. "Ha yeah..chewed me up and spit me out..then took off. I don't meet many who can do that or even try"
"What do you mean?" He looked over at Loki.
Loki looked back at him. "I am used to girls who..umm want guys in their pants...for lack of a better word."
"Oh ones you don't got to work so hard to let them sleep with you? How many girls you been with?"
Loki tensed up at the question. He didn't mean things like that and trying to explain felt increasingly tedious already.
He suddenly felt a hand around him and he calmed down.
"He doesn't have to answer that. He has a past just like everyone else. It doesn't matter to long as he doesn't sleep around now...or only with me" She said that last part with a low growl.
He grabbed ahold of her arm and rubbed it...trying to keep his mind on something else besides leaving the party early. She smirked some and then came around to where she was standing in front of the boys.
Loki got up and told Trin to take his seat. "Thank you Mr. Charming" She watched him eye her. She giggled.
Loki couldn't help laugh, while he blushed some and smile. "I will deal with that later but first gonna grab another drink" with those words, he headed back inside.
Tim took another drag of his cigarette.
"So how long you been sleeping together? "
Trinity eyes narrowed. "Umm excuse me? What kind of question is that?"
"One as your brother I need to know." He moved forward in his seat. "I can just go ask him..."
She sighed. "Never. We have only kissed. We just now both got to where we can be more than friends."
"Better only do that...or else I will deal with him."
"It's no different than ...*sigh*...nevermind...I am gonna go grab a drink" She stood up and headed towards the door.
"Just remember what I say...we be watching"
She walked in the house. Loki had been talking to Zach and Huey but noticed her demeanor. He excused himself and walked over to her.
"Hey okay?"
She smiled and just hugged him. "I am now. You always calm me no matter what."
He sat his drink down and wrapped his arms tight around her. "I know the feeling. You my happy place! My home!"
She hugged him tighter as she smiled. She pulled back some and looked up at him..."you are my home too Mr. Laufeyson" She giggled and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I ..l.."
Her attention got shifted when she noticed Pat came into the kitchen. She went to pull back some but Loki held his ground. "I won't let him interfere or make you feel like you doing anything aren't"
"I see you two got closer since I last seen you both" He leaned against the counter and took a long sip of his bottle.
Trinity turned around to face him. "Yes, we have..we are dating now."
Loki was a little shell shocked. He didn't expect her to use those words especially to Pat. He pulled her in closer to him.
"We shall see about that" He glared in Loki's direction. "Um I think Anna was looking for you"
"Oh? Um okay." She turned to look at Loki. "Play nice please" She put her hand on his chest and leaned up and gave him a kiss on the lips. "I'll come find you when I'm done"
"For you..I will..I promise. See you in a little bit"
She walked away to find Anna and Loki reached to grabbed his drink.
He look towards Pat and watched him carefully.
Pat waited till Trinity had walked out of the kitchen before he turned his full attention to Loki.
He stood in front of him and poked his shoulder as he started talking...
"So you two dating now...better not be sleeping with her"
Loki gripped his glass a little tighter.
"What is your guys' fascination with us sleeping together? That isn't something "big brothers" want to know. And stop poking me."
Pat smirked as he poked Loki again.
"What you gonna do about it?"
Loki's eyes flashed green and he started to say something as Trinity came up and pushed Pat back and stepped between them.
"He said to stop poking him and why are you so close?"
"Oh just a little harmless brother fun" Pat tried to play it off.
"Well, Anna said she didn't need me...what are you up to Pat?" She stepped towards him.
Pat narrowed his eyes at her and backed up slightly. "Nothing. Just wanted to have a one on one conversation with your new guy here...who I need to check out"
" you don't. I'm sick of you guys making it such a big deal when you didn't care enough before."
With that, she grabbed Loki's hand and went into the living room. She sat down on the couch and he sat beside her.
He sighed heavily "I am sorry..I let him get under my skin." He gently placed his hand on her knee.
She reached down and grabbed it. "I know. I heard the whole thing. Just upset...but not at you hun." She said as she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
During this, John and Marie came through the door. Loki went to move his hand but Trinity kept it there and intertwined her fingers with his.
He looked at her confused. She just said "We are a couple now. I am never going to hid you or how I feel about you"
John had seen them and angrily walked in the kitchen then outside where Pat and Tim was.
Zach had came into the living room at the same time. Anna asked "what's up with him?
He motioned towards Loki and Trinity.
"He says it's not fair they flaunt it in his face yet Trinity gets mad if he even talks about Marie"
Trinity snapped her head up at the sound of her name. "That is not true. guys act like I'm so obsessed with her. YOU the ones who invite her each time we are here. YOU the ones who insist that we gotta talk about everything. We sitting over here minding our own business..we didn't even acknowledge them when they came who gives a fuck about them?"
Loki could feel Trinity shaking and tried to hold her hand tighter to calm her down.
Anna shrugged. "Have you guys tried talking without Marie? We all know how she likes to egg things on worst."
Trinity got up and stood by Anna. "I have tried..he wants nothing to do with me and somehow its my fault"
"Well maybe you haven't given him the proper chance to be your haven't tried hard enough..."
Trinity stepped back like she got punched in the gut. "Ugh and I thought this time be different...stupid me eh?...I have given him chance after chance....I was even there when she fucking dumped him and he described his suicide to me...I talked him out of it....but nooo it's all my fault...let's just blame me..or in some warped sense blame the guy who put me back together again. I am done. I am not going to apologize for moving on..for sleeping with him...or not caring if it hurts poor little John's feelings."
With that she stormed out, and headed to their car.
Loki stood up and looked at them. "I don't see why you guys' do this. You claim you care about her as family then you treat her like this and him like a victim. And then me the bad guy because I try to mend her broken pieces. You should be happy she is moving on and finding herself not chasing after dumb ass over there" He nods in John's direction, then for the hell of it..he secretly transformed into his greatest fear again and started walking towards John.
John started freaking out to everybody's surprise.
"John? What's wrong?" Asked Zach.
"Can't you see him...make him stop..."
They all looked over and all they could see was Loki looking at him quizzically.
"John he is just standing there...what do you mean?"
Loki got within inches of John. "I warned you what would happen if you didn't leave her I am..."
He stopped when he heard Trinity's voice asking what was going on.
Loki made the illusion fade and then went back into the living room. He made his copy fade and stood there just staring at John.
"He seems to think I'm doing something to him...yet I've just been standing here."
"Trinity...I don't know how he did it but...he transformed into..."
She held up her hand. "Omg John stop! You the one who didn't want me so don't try to ruin it when someone does."
She grabbed Loki's hand and led him outside. She shook her head. "He is something else. Telling me you got powers or something...oh well. I wish you did...we would have fun with that in many ways."
He hid his smirk and his admiration for her at that moment.
He just reached over and kissed her. "A ton of fun my shall we go grab some ice cream?"
"Sure, but let's walk there so it's just me and you..holding hands...and enjoying our night"

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairWhere stories live. Discover now