Never to much...

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Trinity was sitting at her kitchen table with a few friends. They had decided to come by and hang out for a bit. Brian and Mike was sitting across chatting about some video game and Lauren was sitting on her phone as usual.
Trinity was bored of the conversation and tried to change it to something different.
"So, did you guys see that I did a new photo with my new writing?"
Both boys look at her with confusion.
"Umm oh? No...I didn't think you did this much..." Brian said.
"Eh, I just don't share it much..."
"Yeah, I thought this was Marie's yeah, I would find something else..."
Trinity just shut her notebook and looked at him very hurt.
"Yeah, it was just something I was messing with...don't worry...won't probably mess with it much again..."
Mike chimed in. "Yeah, Marie is the writer of the group...maybe she can help you be better?"
"But you didn't even look at it...." Trinity mumbled under her breath.
Lauren all of sudden looked up from her phone and started gathering her stuff.
"We should head to the mall to grab that thing."
"Oh? What you guys doing?"
"Lauren wanted to grab something real quick...we can always come back by later on..."
Trinity just sat there, fiddling with her nails.
"Uhh yeah sure, I gotta get some stuff done anyways...I'll talk to you guys later..."

She watched everyone get up and leave. She just put her head in her hands, trying her best not to cry.
She hated how they made her feel most days. She had to almost work at being apart of the group. To fit in.
She heard a random knock at her door.
She debated just letting whoever knock but she sighed huge and got up to answer it.

She opened the door and instantly smiled.
Loki stood there with a pizza and a few drinks in his hands.
"Hey Trinny! I was in the mood and thought you might wanna join me?" Loki smiled.
Trinity couldn't help but giggle.
"Hmm, I don't know ...I I suppose to let strange charming men with food in my house?"
"Well, I can just go share this with my oaf brother...I'm sure he will be thrilled..."
Trinity reached out and yanked Loki inside. " not going anywhere with that pizza!"
He laughed and sat things down on the table.
"Good, coming to your senses. Now what have you been up to?"
He noticed a change in her behavior.
"" She ran a hand along the back of her neck..."just missed a few friends of mine...they had an errand to run so left early..."
He noticed she wouldn't look much up at him. Instead she headed into the kitchen to grab some plates.

He was setting open the box and such and noticed her notebook lying on the table.
He picked it up and read the cover. "My writings" was written in big bold letters.
He wanted to open it up so badly, but he didn't want to over step his boundaries. He knew certain things like this could be private.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice she had walked back into the room.
She seen he had her notebook and her breath instantly caught.
"I...I...I'm sorry...I meant to put that back away..." She stammered through.
He looked up at her, with confusion as why she was embarrassed.
"I didn't open it. I promise. I wouldn't invade your privacy like that. "
"Eh...they nothing special...just stuff I wrote ...but I'm not the writer of the I can't do it..."
"Um, who says you can't write?"
Trinity shakes her head. "I tried to show my friends my new piece but they told me that it wasn't my not to worry about it. I was just gonna toss the book. No one cares about them...they aren't even that good. "
Loki's heart broke at how broken she sounded. He knew she put her everything in these writings and it was apart of her. She just trying to make her friends happy.
"May I?" He asked as he sat down at the table.
Trinity sighed and bit her bottom lip in thought.
"I definitely am not a writer so I doubt they any good. You can if you want. Just please be gentle when you hate on them"
She sat down and grabbed a piece of pizza.
She picked at the toppings as he read the first few pages. She couldn't read his face very well. Mainly because she was nervous.
He finished the first part of the first writing and sat the book down on the table.
"Wow! That was really good! I mean really! What got you into writing?"
He grabbed a piece of pizza, took a bite then leaned back in the chair.
She looked up at him confused. "Wait, what?! You actually liked it??"
"Yeah?" He looked at her a little confused. "Has....has no one ever told you that they was good?"
She continued to pick at her pizza and stare down at the table.
He calmly sighed and gently placed his hand on her arm. "They are very good. I promise you! I have read quite a few things in my life so I know what I'm talking about. Please don't give it got talent...and if you like, I would love to read anything you write!"
Trinity looked up at him and held his eye contact for a few minutes. Studying him. She could've sworn she seen his deep green eyes sparkle. She loved the color of them.
Loki never broke his eye contact from her. He couldn't bear to see her hurt like this. How can these so called friends of hers be like this. Why can't she see they aren't nice people?
In what seemed like a long while, she finally moved her arm and smiled at him, blushed then looked down at her pizza again.
"Th...thank you! I can tell you honestly mean it and I would like the share more with you...if that's okay?"
"I will always try to tell you 100% everything. To be honest. I've never been one to mince words on the account of someone's feelings. But I promise to be gentle....with you. Because sometimes, I can be harsh and a little jaded with my words...and I never want to hurt you like that. Plus, I would love that. I appreciate you trusting me with something this special to you." Loki smiled at her.
She couldn't help but smile back. Something made her feel calm and okay with trusting him. She had never felt this level of trust with anyone...friend or otherwise.
"Thank you for being trustworthy with all this....with all of my crap...I know that most of the people in my life are just 'fillers' because I don't want to be alone....I...I don't do good alone."
"Well, you aren't alone anymore. So if you need help cleaning up the umm clutter from your life...then I'm here to help...otherwise, I am here for whatever you need."
"Good! I might take you up on that!"
Trinity finished off her slice of pizza and grabbed another one.
"And thank you for the's good!"
Loki chuckled "you're welcome! I am glad you like it!"
They sat eating and talking for the next few hours.

Trinity & Loki - A Love  AffairWhere stories live. Discover now