Rohirat 😅 I

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Request version 🐻🐼 :

In mansion a beautiful morning a man sleeping peaceful in his bed..

But 2 little female version of devils pure water on him and play loud music near his ear..

And the man just wake up in hurry and get out of bed thinking earthquake and start running here and there speaking something gods knows.. And soon be here sweet laugh and high five.. With voice mission complete agent 2..

Rohit : Is this way to wake up your Daddy my Angel's..

Sammy : pop's it's bad manners. . You have to first greet us..

Vami : Who do you expect sammy..And Daddy we are angry on you..right sammy..

Sammy : No.. *vami glare* Yes.. I mean but why...??

Shubman say entering the room..

Shubman : You definitely your Dad copy..

Vami : you said you come to pick us tomorrow from school .. And we didn't meet you in night also..

Rohit come to his 2 little twins and pick them up and hug them..

Rohit : Sorry Baccha.. Daddy is little busy but jass your favorite chachu come to pick you naa..

Vami : You gonna make us paper Daddy..

Sammy : Pop's but my favorite is shubhu chachu..

Shubman : That's my Angel..

Vami : Because he always buy us chocolate and ice cream hiding from Daddy..

Shubman : It's a secret vami

Sammy : I told you she can't keep something in his tummy..

Vami : I have a solution..

Rohit : Wth.. Shubhu.. I told you not to spoil them..

Jass : You literally give both of them whatever they want in just one voice Mr.sharam..

Shubman : Yaa.. They ask you to buy them house.. And you fucking bought them a Mansion..

Rohit : How can I say no to my princess..

Jass : They want Doll house

Rohit : They didn't specify..

Sammy : Don't worry Pop's we still love you..

Vami : Yaa.. We can't kick you out from your own house.. Now Daddy you take shower and change or you will get sick.. And come we are hungry..

Sammy : Yaa.. Today we don't have to do breakfast with that Lizard anty..

Vami : Yaa.. Daddy now our Good morning wishes..

Rohit : Here..

Rohit give kiss Sammy and vami on their foreheads. .

Jass : They are mature than their age..

Shubman : Yaa.. One is angel and one is devil.. Perfect match

Rohit : Of course.. But they both are still 5 .. And jass why they both want me to come their school..

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