Rahurdik : Not so dumber duo.. 🥴

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So here is a Hardik and Rahul shots.. I don't remember who but yaa so many people ask me to write Hurat and no one give me the plot so I made myself.. I hope Hurat fan like that.. So Enjoy.. 😉


The whole ict  is now in Mumbai Hotel for their upcoming final match..

Like usual they all are staying with their Roommate Bestie.. And here Hardik and Rahul was sitting in their room..

Rahul : What where you thinking when you are doing that..??

Hardik : I am telling you the last time that she is lying.. Why are you not trusting me..

Rahul : Because you are a such a playboy.. You never care about someone feeling.. You always do what you like what you want.. Sleeping around..

Hardik : I admit I am like that in past.. But you seen me this whole fucking 5 years did you ever see me to sleep with anyone.. I am always sticking with you or if you are not their I am with our other teammates..i fucking tell you my tiniest things to you everyday...amd if here is someone who  don't care about others feeling..it's you..whenever I share you something you ever listing to me..you always doing something and ignore me..you say I am your best friend right..you ever care about my feeling..no doubt whenever I got drunk, hurt Or anything you are the first one to come and help me, handle me..look after me if I took my anger in you..always scold me if I do some mistake..but at the and you slove that mistake for me..you are making me addicted to you..do you realize that...And after making me head over heels for you.. You are telling me i don't fucking care about someone feeling.. Just one Rendom girl come and tell you all that I forced her in drunk state you all trust me.. Okk even if I am fuck around.. Did you ever so me to force someone and made he or she uncomfortable... If I feel she is not interested in me I always back off without even thinking twice.. Didn't I.. And about that pic.. We take a hundred of selfies with our fan .. The selfie is in club and besides that i the picture you see behind me shubman and ishan also there.. Their face are not clear but look yourself and say that you didn't recognize them.. Did I ever from the day we meet ishu and shubhu.. I ever go to with some girl when they are around..we 3 always stick with each other.. You know that.. The whole team know that.. Why you all are so sure that she is right and I am wrong.. And she is telling about in this month.. I only went with all of you in the club right .. The whole party I am with you... I leave party with you.. Remember.. But no why would you remember.. .. You just have to trust some Rendom girl.. If she have enough proof about me.. Why can't she just go and complain against me in police .. And if she is Scared that her imagine got ruined why she tell all of you.. Think about that also.. You all always say I say anything without thinking and I'm a idiot.. Where is all of your brains.. Can't catch a single lie..Why can't you just trust me....

Rahul saw first time tears in Herry eyes..

Rahul : speechless..

They heard a door open sound..

Rohit : Hiii..

Virat : You guy's want us to come later. ...

Rahul : You guy's have something important..

Jaddu : Yaa ..shubhu and ishu called to inform that they are reaching in 1 hours and Rishu told them everything what happened and they confrom that that day heery was with them.. And she is lying.. What she describe that nothing happened like that.. Yaa.. They took a selfie with group of college students so she is one of them.. You know how sharp shubhu memory is.. And yaa she also kinda like have a crush on Herry so maybe that's why she is doing this.. You know how some sasaeng fan are...

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