jealousy is the key of confession.. 😆

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In Dewald Brevis and Tilak varma's room...

Tilak wake up and saw Dewald Brevis is still sleeping ... So he carefully leave his grip and put a pillow so Dewald Brevis didn't wake up...

And than he saw the time and group msg and see they now have to get ready for party in 1 hour...

So without any choice he have to distrub his Bestfriend lovely sleep...

Tilak : Brevis.. Hey my love wake up.. We are going to be late and than they are going to tease the hell out of us.. And Rohit Bhai.. We have virat Bhai also.. So no fear of Rohit Bhai but we can't escape tease.. Wake up love..

Dewald Brevis : Why this much explanation just tell me to wake up...

Tilak : You don't see my love always complain...

Dewald Brevis : When I complain..??

Tilak : Now you are complaining..

Dewald Brevis : Please don't learn to be dramatic with ishu.. I am going to die with laughter...

Tilak : You piece of shit... Come here.. Let me saw you..

Dewald Brevis : No need.. Today I have so many Beautiful things to see.. *wink*

Dewald Brevis say and run to get fresh up...

Tilak : of course.. After that I will arrange your funeral..

Like this little Bickering like old couple they both get ready and went to ththeir friends..

Then they all went to party menu..

Dewald Brevis,Tilak varma, shubman gill, ishan kishan, K.L Rahul, Hardik pandya, mohammed shami , mohammed siraj, Mayank markande and Abhishek sharma now sitting together on the corner..

Rohit and virat decide to meet their seniors and handled other Junior's and they of course can't leave a troublemakers alone so they sent Rahul, shami and siraj to handle their troublemakers...

Rahul : So now we have here 3 official couple and 2 unofficial couple..

Mayank : Aaaa Rahul Bhai 4 official couple and 1 unofficial couple..

They all look at Tilak and Dewald Brevis..

Shubman : see ishh.. Your this Rat called you his Best friend but didn't tell you that he is dating Brevis..

Ishan : B..

Tilak : Before anyone else say something.. They mayank taking about him and Abhi.. You both are the first one to know they are in relationship now..

Siraj : You all are definitely a mental pieces..

Shami : That's why they all are friends..

Rahul : Including Herry..

Herry : I am board let's play something...

Ishan : Yaa. Let's play something..

Herry : *hug ishan* he is my little best brother.. Always ready to play.. You know what ishu.. In GT whenever I ask your boyfriend to play with me he always refused..

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