Rahurdik : Not so dumber duo.. 🥴

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Next morning...

Hardik wake up on some chest.. He was almost lying on someone and he have a very bed headache..

Herry : fuck... Why my head is hurting like hell.. And who the fuck are......

Hardik swallow his next words watching Rahul cold face...

Rahul : On the earth mister pandya.. And who told you to get drunk this much that you don't remember anything and get that bed headache..

Herry : *hold his head* Whf i did yesterday night... Why I can't remember... Huhhhh....

Rahul get up from bed and bring something..

Rahul : First take this hangover drink and than take shower and than we already miss the practice.. Remember we have to play final today mister pandya.. Or you forget that as well..

Herry take hangover drink and Rahul went to take shower...

After sometimes a hotel staff come with some medicine and strong coffee..

Herry : Sorry but I didn't order anything..

Staff : Sir the order is from Rahul sir for you.. With this wishes card it's from ict..

Herry took them with confusion..

Staff : Congratulations sir..

Herry tieded his head right to left in confusion..

Herry : Thank you *smile*

Herry enter the room with confusion and put the cards on the bed and drink his coffee and medicine anyways...

Hardik just want to get ride of his headache before the match..

Rahul come out of Bathroom and saw Hardik sit on bed with confused face and pout on face..

Rahul : Why are you sitting like that.. Go and take shower...

Herry : Rahu why ict give us this many cards what's in it ...

Rahul : First it's not for me... And second why can't you just open it and saw it yourself..

Herry : Naa... I am fine..

Hardik say with lazy voice and went to take shower..

Rahul :*laugh* Lazyass..

Hardik come out of bathroom and saw Rahul was sitting on bed and scrolling his phone with so much focus that he didn't notice him..

Hardik become curious and went to him..

Herry : What are you watching with this much focus..??

Rahul just started ...

Rahul : Wth.. First tell me Why are you half nacked..??

Herry : Give me your shirt naa please.. 🥺

Rahul : *sign* Don't be so cute.. I will not fall for your puppy eyes..

Herry pout and trun..

Rahul : *course himself* Take in whatever you want..

Herry : *trun towards him with big smile* Really..

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