Movie Madness

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The children enter Monty's car, a silver Tata Sumo Spacio, Elizabeth, Keira and Sam in the middle, Violet, Klaus, Isadora and Duncan in the back and Sunny on Elizabeth's knee. Count Olaf enters the car and Monty walks to the back window, cleaning it as Count Olaf takes out his Knife when Violet speaks to him, "We don't know what you're up to, but we will find out."

"If anything happens to my sisters or me, you'll never get your hands on the Baudelaire fortune." Klaus reminds him.

"And it's the same for us." Sam tells him.

"And it's the same for our diamonds." Duncan tells him.

Count Olaf turns to looks at all of them, speaking in his normal voice. "If I wanted to harm you, orphans, your blood would be streaming out of this car like a waterfall. No, I am not going to harm a hair on any Baudelaire, Quagmire or my family's head. At least, not on purpose. But accidents happen all the time, don't they?" He says, looking at his nieces and nephew at the last part. Monty then opens the door to the passenger side of the car and Count Olaf puts away his knife, speaking in his Stephano voice again. "And that is when I said to him, 'The frog is the greatest reptile known to man.'"

"Frogs are amphibians." Klaus tells him.

"What?" Stephano asks.

"Stephano, where did you study herpetology?" Monty asks.

"I don't know anything about mouth sores." Stephano answers, when an upbeat song on radio comes on. "Oh! I love this song!" Stephano tells everyone, turning the songs up.

It was a thew minutes until they arrived at the movie theatre. Elizabeth looks at it and smiles, bringing back so many memories as Sam and Keira look at it amazed. Sam couldn't remember much from his childhood before his parents' deaths, so it felt like the first time he had seen a movie theatre and for Keira it was the first time she's been in a movie theatre. They walk inside and Keira and Sam were smiling at the bright colours and smells coming from the food as they walk over to the ticket booth.

"I just thought it might be nice to get out and see a movie. I need more exciting things in my life. And I think it's because my life is boring." The woman in front says.

"Yes. Uh, well, enjoy the show, ma'am." The ticket seller says as she takes her ticket and leaves. "Dr. Montgomery!" The man says, happy.

"Hello, old chap! Two adults, eight minors." Monty tells him.

"I'm giving you the Verified Film Discount." The ticket seller says.

"Ah, lovely." Monty says. The ticket seller then gives Monty the tickets as they start walking towards the room where their movie will be getting shown.

"I decided to treat myself to some popcorn because there is nothing exciting happening in my life at all." The same woman from earlier says causing the children to look over at the snack booth.

"Hey... Some popcorn actually sounds delicious. I get popcorn for me, for all of us. My treat." Stephano tells them, stuttering slightly at the beginning.

"Really?" Monty, Elizabeth and Sam ask, surprised.

"Yes, you go. Go take a seat." Stephano tells them.

"Come on, children." Monty tells them.

"What's popcorn?" Keira asks Elizabeth.

"Apparently, you're about to find out." Elizabeth tells her as they enter the theatre.

"Seventh row, right of centre, that is the best place." Monty tells them as they walk to their seats.

"That's what our mother always said." Violet says, smiling.

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