Lifeless and Lock-down

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The next morning, the children all woke up on their own instead of their uncle. Violet and Isadora look at each other confused before getting out of bed and walking into the hallway. Klaus, Sam, Duncan and Elizabeth do the same thing, exchanging confused looks with each other. "Uncle Monty usually wakes us up in the morning." Klaus says.

"Do you think he slept in?" Sam asks.

Duncan walks over to Monty's room and knocks on the door. "Uncle Monty?" He asks before opening the door and peering into his room before looking at the rest. "He's not in his room."

"Uncle Monty!" Isadora yells, heading towards the staircase.

"Wait." Elizabeth tells them.

"But Lizzie we have to find Monty." Violet says.

"I know but go get your dressing gowns or bath robes and slippers on first." Elizabeth tells them and the others follow as Elizabeth does the same. She then walks into Keira's and Sunny's room to find Keira had just woken up.

"What going on? Why didn't Monty wake us?" Keria asks tiredly, rubbing her eyes.

"We don't know why, but we're going to go find him. And stop rubbing your eyes it's bad for them." Elizabeth tells her while sitting on Keira's bed.

"Can I help you find him? I hope he's ok." Keira asks.

"I'm sure he's fine and yes, if it makes you feel better, you can help us look." Elizabeth says and Keira nods. Keria puts on her dressing gown and slippers then her and Elizabeth exit the room to find the others waiting in the hallway for them. "Let's go. I'm sure he's not far. Or maybe he's just popped to the shops." The seven children walk down the stairs into the main hall when you notice the reptile room door is open.

"Uncle Monty?" Violet asks.

"Are you in here?" Klaus asks as the seven children enters.

"He must be. Monty would never leave the door to the reptile room open unless he or us was present in it." Isadora says.

The seven children enter deeper into the room, a feeling of change in the room's atmosphere was causing panic and fear to erupt inside the children's minds and bodies. They walk closer to Monty's desk; now seeing their loving Uncle Monty, however in the worst way possible. He was paler and one of his eyes looking as if he went blind. He had a bite mark on his left cheek, surrounded by green with cracks on his skin. The children gasp in shock, fear and sadness as Elizabeth covers Keira's eye, not wanting her to see the body anymore.

"How could this happen?" Violet asks in disbelief.

"We know exactly how this happened." Klaus says.

"My, my, my, my, my." The children turn their heads to find Count Olaf, still dressed as Stephano standing at the door of the reptile room. "What a terrible accident. Whoever discovers this will be very upset."

"You murdered him!" Sam yells as tears prick his eyes.

"Why, Sam, I'm surprised. A smart boy like you ought to be able to figure out that jolly old Uncle Monty died from a snakebite, not murder." Count Olaf tells them. "Look at the teeth marks on his cheek. Look at his cold, waxy face. Look at his unblinking eyes."

"Stop it!" Keira screams at him while removing Elizabeth's hand from her eyes. Tears streaming down. "Stop talking like that!"

Count Olaf doesn't look at his youngest niece's face, knowing that he'd begin to feel sorry about his actions. Instead, he looks at the Baudelaires and Quagmires while speaking. "There's no time for chitchat. We have a ship to catch, and I'd like to board in time to have a bottle of wine before lunch. Peru. We're going to Peru."

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