Successfully Screwed

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Elizabeth, Violet, Isadora, Duncan, Klaus, Sam, Keira and Sunny sit in the police station. Waiting in a room for an officer. It's silent between them all as the clock on the wall ticks. It's been two hours since the arrest however to the children it feels longer. An officer walks into the room and looks at the children before speaking. "Elizabeth, Sam and Keira Farmer." He speaks. The three stand up while holding eye contact with the officer as he speaks. "Follow me please." The three children follow him out of the room and down the hall to the main entrance to find someone standing there.

I ask you again to top reading. To pretend that it was Jacquelyn or her friend there to save the children and for the children to get out of the country, away from all of the unfortunate events. However, we both know that did not happen.

The three looks at the man as he looks at them, a worried and happy look on his face. The children look at him in shock as Elizabeth speaks. "Uncle Olaf?"

Count Olaf, in his normal form looks at the three children before walking up to them, giving them a hug individually while says, "Elizabeth. Sam. Keira. Oh my, thank God you are safe. I was so worried." he then straits his posture while looking down at the three. "Don't you ever do that to me again. Understand." The Farmer children nod as he hugs them one more time before asking, "Where's the others?"

"You are only under these childrens guardian on our system." The officer tells him.

Count Olaf looks at the officer and says, "I adopted they five only a thew weeks ago. It hasn't updated yet."

"I see. Do you have any proof that you are their legal guardian?" The officer asks.

"Yes. I have their passports." Count Olaf says, passing them to the officer. The officer flips through the passports and nods before exiting the hall, going to get the other children.

Count Olaf looks at his nieces and nephews again, anger in his voice this time. "Why did you do that?" He asks. "Do you know how dangerous and reckless that was? What if something happened to any of you? You could have crashed, been taken or died! Why would you put yourselves in that situation?!" He then turns to look at Keira. "You also lied to me! You could have been hurt!" He then turns to look at Elizabeth. "Not to mention that you not only stole a car, but you were also driving way passed the speed limit! Ninety-six they told me! With Keira in the front seat! You could have crashed, Elizabeth! You could have died! So could of Sam! And Keira! They could have also died!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't think of that at that moment, I was just trying to help us and the others." Elizabeth says crying. Count Olaf looks at Elizabeth and his eyes soften. He then looks at a crying Sam and Keira with soft eyes. "I'm sorry." Elizabeth cries while looking at her siblings before looking at Count Olaf. "I'm so sorry."

Count Olaf looks at her and hugs her tightly, this time Elizabeth hugs back, crying hard onto his shoulder. "Shu. Shu. It's alright." He says, rubbing her back to calm her down. "You're safe, now. You're safe." He tells her calmly as she continues crying. Keira then hugs his leg, as she can only reach that high and Sam hugs him too. Count Olaf runs a hand threw Keira's blonde hair to calm her down, before doing the same to Sam. "It's ok. You just scared me. You scared me." He tells them as they calm down and stop crying but continue hugging him. Count Olaf smiles happily while he lets go of the embrace, the three stopping after him. He takes Keira's hand and says, "Let's go get your stuff out of that banker's car and get us home, ok."

The three glances at each other and Keira speaks, "I don't want to go to Puru." Count Olaf looks at her with a confused expression.

"But that's how we'll get the Baudelaire and Quagmire fortune." Count Olaf reminds her.

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