chapter 1

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"Looks like that bastard was right," I murmured under my breath, my gaze fixed on the small steak restaurant across the street.

Just as I noticed nine hours ago, a bunch of folks strolled inside, but there hasn't been a single soul exiting since. Hmm. They're probably chilling in the waiting area, preparing for the hunter exam.

My mood brightened. That's what I was looking for too, thanks to my annoying uncle who's been telling me to become a hunter. He was also the one who told me about this place. Well... Couldn't blame myself for being skeptical, he's always tricking me. 

Getting up, I brushed off my clothes and swiped the sweat from my forehead with a sigh. Nine hours of staying on this rooftop was indeed a bad idea.

Tucking a strand of my (h/c) hair behind my right ear, I glanced down once more at the small restaurant below. I felt a surge of determination. This was just the start of my journey toward reaching my goal.

As I made my way down to the building, I put on a serious expression, ensuring no one dared to approach me and sell their goods. My death glares were enough for me to keep me from socializing. And I was not in a mood to talk to someone.

But maybe I was too focus on my death glares that I didn't notice I bumped with someone, making my whole body touched the floor. I creased my brows and looked up to see who I'd bumped into, only to find a kid lying on it too.

With his eyes still shut, he rubbed the back of his neck and muttered, "Sorry for bumping into you. Didn't see you there."

I remained silent, choosing not to respond to the black-haired kid. It wasn't solely his fault and I acknowledged it was also my fault. I was so focused on something that I didn't even see him either. 

When I stood up, all of my golden coins fell on the floor. I mentally cursed because of that. As I tried to retrieve them, I noticed another hand assisting me. Barely lifting my gaze, it belonged to the kid, who was helping me pick up my coins.

"Sorry again. I didn't mean to bump and drop your coins," he apologized for the second time.

I watched silently as the kid busied himself picking up my coins. "You don't need to," I whispered softly as he glanced up at me with a smile.

After gathering the coins, he handed them back to me and then rose to his feet. "No. It was my fault," he insisted.

I accepted the coins from him, slipping them back into the pocket of my small pouch that wrapped around my right thigh beneath my black leggings.

I glanced at him once more, this time with a smile on my face. "Thank you..." I paused, waiting for him to introduce himself.

"Gon... My name is Gon Freeces." He scratched his lower chin as if he was shy.

My smile grew wider. "Thanks, Gon. But you don't need to apologize several times. It was also my fault."

"Hehe..." He looked at my pocket. "Those coins, they were different from our jenny! What are those?" He immediately changed the topic.

My eyes widened. Should I tell him? After all, he was just a kid. Perhaps he would find it more fascinating than thinking it was weird.

I took one coin from my pocket and held it out. "These are my weapons," I explained, twirling the coin between my index and thumb fingers. With a feigned toss, I mimicked playing darts.

His eyes glowed and he was about to say something when someone called his name. We both turned to see who it was – a blonde teenager, a tall guy with round glasses, and another man with slender eyes stood before us, their expressions filled with concern.

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