chapter 7

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"(Y/n), applicant number 406, is the sixth passer of the third phase. Total time is six hours, six minutes, and six seconds." The examiner announced as I got out of the stone door.

Sixth, huh? I wonder who the other five applicants are.

My eyes roamed around to check the others. The creepy guy with pins was already here, along with the bald ninja, the guy with sunglasses, the guy with a snake pet, and, of course, the perverted clown.

He was sitting on the floor while playing with his card. Unlike the others, he didn't even bother glancing at me, which made me lift my lips slightly.

Also, it was good that he chose to ignore me because, at first, I thought he would look for me after what I did last night. Knowing this clown, he would probably avenge his little one. But ever since the morning began, there was no sight of his silhouette, making me think I got him.

Great, finally at peace.

I stopped looking at him and searched for food. I hadn't eaten food since last night, and my belly was growling. Once I spotted what my stomach was craving, I walked toward the food area. I could also feel their gazes following me, probably thinking about what they wanted to think about me. I removed my thoughts about them and pretended they weren't here as I took some food.

While returning to my place, I subconsciously looked at the door where I had come from, wondering if Gon, Kurapika, Killua, and Leorio were okay.

I could have been with them earlier before this phase started. But because of this stupid #16, who went to the floor near them and was the one who fell instead of me. I remained solo in the whole phase. I couldn't relax about how dangerous this third exam was for them. I had fought with monsters and criminals, and it took me six hours just to get down here—because I knew I was strong. But what about them? What made them special to win this round?

I snapped back to reality when my spoon fell to the ground. I gazed at it and was about to pick it up when a white slender hand took it. I froze in my place and didn't bother to look at the person. He handed me the spoon, but I just stared at it.

"Come on, pick it up~" I gulped uncomfortably just by hearing his voice.

What are you scared of, (y/n)? It's just a spoon! Move and get it!

Shortly after, he released his dangerous aura, making me step back three feet away. But he was fast enough to launch towards me. My food flew as we scrambled on the floor. I slyly slid my hand into my pocket, thinking I might die here at any second.

"My my~ I wouldn't touch those coins if I were you," he threatened. His vicious voice sent chills down my spine.

I struggled in his arm, trying to do the same method I did last night but failed. I pierced my eyes into his soul this time and glared at him.

"Let me fucking go!" I shouted, good enough to draw himself an amusement smirk.

The bald ninja strolled toward us. I couldn't see his gesture since the clown was on top of me.

"Chill, bro. She's a woman. We must-" he stopped when this clown threw his card onto him, making his arm bleed.

The ninja stepped back and shut his mouth.

"Don't interrupt us~ Or I shall kill you." the clown cooed; after saying that, for some reason, I felt his aura became more vigorous and scarier.

I gulped heavily and made my hand slide straight into my pocket. I didn't listen to him and took some coins. I flick one, two, and three coins to the left and made them hit the wall so they would reflect and go in his direction.

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