chapter 6

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I gripped my hand full of coins. Clenching my jaw, I asked, "What do you want, Clown?"

Instead of answering, he threw his card in my direction. Luckily, I avoided it as fast as possible and threw a coin back, but he dodged too. Frustrated, I was about to throw more when he motioned for me to come to him with his finger. I felt something pulling me toward him, and my eyes widened in surprise.

When he grabbed me, Hisoka pressed my body hard against the wall. I struggled to break free, but it felt like I was glued in place, every part of me held tight as if by invisible bonds.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" I hissed, my voice tight with frustration and disbelief.

What did he do to me? Don't tell me he is also...?

"Even as much as I want to flex my ability, you wouldn't understand, doll," he murmured, tracing his finger along my jawline.

Yet here I am, trying to understand what he meant by ability. Does he also have that? Like mine?

"You are not as strong as you think~ So, why not submit yourself to me? Hmm~"

"Submit myself?" I chuckled and raised my lips, looking disgusted at him. "Over my dead body, clown."

My answer made him wrap his fingers all over my neck, putting tenses on them. He then put on his annoying smile that everyone would go crazy if they saw it.

"For a lady, you sure have a foul mouth, Doll~"

I stared at him and remained silent. He's the type of guy who would be more annoying if you kept giving him attention. And it looks like my theory was correct because his brow tightened a bit.

"Hm~ Interesting. You want to get choked. I see that's your kink. You don't need to be ashamed~" he teased.

This time, I rolled my eyes. "Say, what do you want, clown?"

He kept his creepy smile as he removed his hand on my neck. He then roamed his finger on my body, savoring each curve until it went inside my pocket and took one coin. The clown showed it in front of my face.

"You know~" He played the coin with his finger, rolling like a ball. "I've been curious about this weapon of yours, doll. I wondered how it got as sharp as a pointed arrow, making my pretty face bleed. Mind telling me your secret?~"

I turned my face away from him. Of course, for a monster like him, he saw that! But wait! I didn't change it into something sharp. Is he talking about how strong I threw it to him? Well... perhaps.

"It was the force I used. You're not as intelligent as I thought." I mocked, still not looking at him.

He let a chuckle which made my spine shiver. "So, you think I'm smart? Nice compliment you got there~."

"I wasn't complimenting you, fucking clown."

"Thank you~."

I shut my eyes out of frustration. Then I looked at him. No. I was glaring at him. "Now, can you let me go? I still need to rest my ass."

The clown then traced his fingers around my curves. "As you should. It's pretty tiring to carry a fat ass like this~" As he said that, he smacked my buns as if he could do that freely.

My face was starting to burn and I was struggling between his I don't even know what this was called—perhaps an invisible rope and was one of his abilities. I would kick his ugly face if I weren't in this position.

"Blushing? That's rare of you, doll~"

"Are you done with your business with me?"

"Do you accept an honest or half-truth opinion, doll?~" I shot another death glare at him, and he just chuckled. But after a split second, his face changed into the same expression he had when he was strangling Gon. He was enjoying my glare, and it probably aroused him. "Keep giving me that look, and I might destroy you right here~."

He bent his face backward and let a moan out. The clown moaned and got aroused just by glaring at him. And that was the creepiest thing I had ever encountered!

His hand on my ass immediately went to my neck and put tension over it. He was destroying it, and I didn't notice how it got there.

I groaned when he put tense again. I couldn't breathe! And it was the same feeling when we were in the forest!

The clown put his face near mine. "You're the only non-aura user that makes me wanna destroy, even without you getting ripe. Now tell me, doll, why should I not kill you right now?~" He slowly licked my earlobe, making me shiver and freeze at the same time.

He wanted to kill me right now, wasn't he? Even as much as I tried to answer his question, his strangling me to death was stopping me. Well, I couldn't spit even a single word of his action.

My mind became hazy, and I knew where this was coming from. Of course, to another death! I hope this time, I won't get to dream of any of those memories with Emilio. Instead, let me go straight to hell and forget about this fucking clown.

My eyes opened as I felt a cold liquid spread over my face. A pervert naked man with red hair approached me with his ugly-looking smirk. Even without that makeup, he still looked the same—the sociopath maniac clown.

"Sorry for what happened earlier, doll." The clown looked at me as he dried his hair using a towel.

I didn't answer him and looked around. We were probably in one of the rooms inside this plane. But what irked me was—-he was naked and acting as if it was normal. But I must admit that he had a good body. It was bulky, and I could see the scars everywhere. He probably got it from fighting with several strong people.

"Do you like the view?~" Smirking, he stopped drying his hair as he slowly walked toward me.

I kept my mouth shut, but I removed my gaze as soon as he went to the bed. My breath stiffened because his body was touching mine. He held my chin and locked his eyes on my face.

He smirked. "I could feel your body heating up. What are you afraid of?"

His finger lingered around my lips and slowly rubbed them. I froze in my spot, and all I could do was look into his hungry eyes.

I mentally curse myself for gulping openly to him. Great! Now he thinks I enjoy this thing.

His eyes grew in amusement. "Hmm~ I see. Looks like you love my touch."

The clown began to close his face into mine. But I was fast enough to kick his balls using my right knee. He groaned so loud and couldn't move. As he was paralyzed on the bed, I took this chance to get up and look for towels.

But I didn't want to take this long. Hence, I pulled the blanket on the bed and used it to tie this annoying clown. As soon as I was done, I quickly ran towards the door. Before going out, I glanced at him once again. His eyes were shut. He was still groaning while touching his scrambled balls.

I smirked as a sense of victory familiarized me. Looks like only my golden knee could shut his ass. Serves him right!

 Serves him right!

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