chapter 2

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After Gon invited me to team up, this chubby guy with a #16 tag came over.

He introduced himself as Tonpa, proudly declaring it was his thirty-fifth shot at the exam. Kind of dumb, if you ask me. Not the kind of thing you go boasting about to everyone, right?

Gon and Leorio entertained him while Kurapika and I listened to their idiotic conversation.

"Because of that, I know every detail and participant of this examination! If you need anything, just hit me up!" Tonpa said proudly, flashing a grin at the two.

"Woah, really? That's very nice of you, Tonpa!" Gon exclaimed.

Tonpa began to speak, but before any words could escape his lips, a sharp yowl pierced the air, drawing everyone's attention. We all twirled our heads toward the noise, finding ourselves faced with a sight both strange and captivating: a man whose hands had transformed into delicate pink petals.

"My~ you should have apologized when you bumped into someone~." I looked at the red-haired guy. He was dressed like a jester, matching his clown-like makeup perfectly.

Just by laying eyes on him, I could feel the vibes he was putting out, and they were not good. It was like a red flag waving in my mind, screaming danger! I knew better than to mess with him. Even with all my skills and talents, I had a gut feeling I couldn't take him down. His energy mirrored my uncle's – a vibe that set my inner alarm blaring.

"Here comes that maniac again," Tonpa declared. The four of us turned our attention to him, eager to hear what he had to say. "Hisoka Morrow, the most dangerous contestant around."

"Again?" Gon asked.

Tonpa hummed. "He signed up last year, but got disqualified when he tried to murder one of the examiners."

All of our eyes went round in surprise. I glanced back at the clown, his irritating smirk plastered across his face, a clear sign of his confidence in his strength.

I couldn't help but mentally roll my eyes. "Luckily, we bumped into each other, Gon." I joked, earning laughter from Gon and the others.

Tonpa began to introduce some of the participants and their weaknesses. It didn't bother me at all, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't mentally noting some of them. Who knows? It might come in handy sooner rather than later.

He took out four cans of juice from his bag. "Since we are now friends... Why not let's take some kampai?"

He handed us the can, and the three said thanks. But when he tried to give it to me, I just shook my head. "Nah, I'm good. Can't take stuff from people I don't know," I said, turning my head away but still peeking at them sideways.

'Don't trust anyone!' My uncle's voice ringing inside my head.

I mentally cursed again. I fucking know, and stop corrupting my mind!

They popped the can open simultaneously, anticipation gleaming in their eyes. Just as they were about to take a sip, Gon suddenly spat the juice out of his mouth, his expression contorted in disgust.

"Eh... Tonpa, did you even bother to check the expiration date?" Gon exclaimed, his tongue still hanging out in disgust. "Your juice has gone bad. It tastes absolutely awful!"

Leorio's temper flared, complaining about how he almost drank it. At the same time, Kurapika just poured the juice onto the floor, fed up with the whole situation.

My brow furrowed, and my heart raced. The juice was expired? It seemed impossible that Tonpa hadn't noticed that.

Something is off...

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