chapter 4

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"What? You want to be a hunter, brat?" His laughter echoed loudly, flecks of saliva landing on my face. I hastily wiped it away with my hands. "Why? Huh? Is it because you admire this uncle of yours?" He grinned widely, revealing his uneven, ugly teeth.

I kept my face emotionless. "No. I don't want to see your face."

His face darkened, and he clicked his tongue. "What an ungrateful brat." He rolled his eyes. "If it weren't because of me, you wouldn't con—"

"I knew that, Emilio. But I am now 20, old enough to begin my goal," I interrupted him.

He shrugged and smirked. "Fine. Just don't die yet, brat. And remember, don't trust anyone."


What a horrible nightmare.

I let out a soft groan as my backside met the grass. I attempted to swallow, but the dryness in my throat made it impossible. Moving my mouth caused a sharp ache to shoot through me.

What the hell happened? I need water.

My eyes snapped open, widening in alarm as I found the clown facing me. He delicately placed his index finger under my chin, gently tilting my face upward to inspect my neck. I mentally yelp as pain shot through me.

"Hm, what a lovely mark I've left on you here. The red complements your skin," he remarked, his touch sending a shiver down my spine as he traced the mark he'd made on my neck. "You should thank me for this," he purred.

"G-get off your filthy hands..." I managed to whisper, my throat still throbbing with pain. "Clown," I added.

Calling him a clown was oddly satisfying, like cleaning my ears with cotton buds.

"My~ You have such a foul mouth. Do you need another lesson~?" He grinned with his eyes closed and tightened his grip around my throat.

My eyelids drooped, fear gripping me as I worried he might choke me to death once more. Never in my life have I felt this kind of emotion. He was the only one who made me feel like this; even Emilio couldn't.

"Is she the reason why you were late?" The clown removed his hand around my neck and looked at the creepy guy covered in pins.

"Hm~ I found this feisty doll in the middle of the forest~"

The guy with pins stared at me with a creepy intensity, sending shivers down my spine. I quickly averted my gaze. How the hell did he sleep with all those pins?

"Okay. Just get rid of her already. You know why we are here."

I turned to look at him again, but this time, my narrowed eyes conveyed my silent challenge. Who did he think he was, saying that? No way was I going to let him intimidate me!

"Or do you want me to do it for you?" he asked monotonously.

I squinted even harder. But, I immediately became a scared puppy when I felt the clown's bloodlust. "She's my new plaything, Gittarackur. You know how possessive I can be with my toys," he threatened, his voice laced with a chilling edge.

Gittarackur, aka creepy guy, just turned his head and left us without saying anything. I felt relieved because the clown removed his bloodlust.

He gazed at me once more, a hint of amusement in his voice. "What's your name, doll~?" I remained silent, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response. No, I didn't care, even if it meant facing death. "The last time I checked, your stubbornness nearly got you killed. Do you want to repeat that, Doll~?" he taunted.

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