Chapter 8

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"There are no rules on getting your target's badges. You can do whatever you feel like it. You can even kill your target and take the badge off the corpse. That is up to you."

When my dagger fell to the ground, I snapped back to reality. I couldn't stop thinking about what the examiner had said earlier. Those words had been spinning around my head, along with my target's number and the pin that had once knocked the clown out.

Yes, that's right. Gittarackur was my target.

After what happened in the tower, I realized how strong he was. They probably had the same strength as Hisoka but were a bit stronger. I don't know, but I knew he could quickly kill me with his pin.

"Hey." I almost jumped out of my seat when Kurapika and Leorio appeared before me. They both laughed at my sudden actions.

"Damn, (y/n). This is the first time I saw you this shocked," Leorio was concerned.

I just smiled in response. At the same time, Kurapika glanced at the dagger I was holding.

"I didn't know you had that." Even though there was no subtle hidden in his words, I felt like I needed to explain this to him.

I smiled once again, but this time, it was fake. I showed the dagger in front of their faces and how I kept it inside my boots. "This is where I hid it and just took it out right now."

They both nodded their heads. "I see. Your cargo pants hid it so well," Leorio complimented.


I glanced at the racing waves. We boarded a boat to go to the other island. And all of my co-participants were sitting on the floor. The vibe inside was so depressing that even the lady announcer had stopped talking.

I secretly side-eyed Gittarackur; his head was leaning on the wall while his eyes were closed. Even though he was resting, he didn't let his guard down. I could sense his dangerous aura from here. I sighed in my heart. He and that clown were indeed friends.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay? You keep drowning in your thoughts." I came to my senses when I heard Leorio's concerned voice.

I was about to say something, but Kurapika cut me off. "Is it because of the next phase? Who are you going to fight with?"

I breathed deeply. Kurapika's observations were really on point! I couldn't even hide a lie from him.

"Ah! Speaking of the next phase." Leorio looked at Kurapika. The two talked about whose card they got. They didn't reveal who but assured each other they hadn't had their cards.

Leorio glanced at me to ask if I had his. I shook my head in response. He sighed in relief.

Kurapika just stared at me and began to talk. "Then are you fighting an above-average participant?"

My eyes widened in shock

"I'll take that as a yes." He sat beside me, and Leorio mirrored him.

I didn't say a word. I just watched the waves roaming onto the boat.

"Was it Hisoka?" Kurapika asked again.

I looked at him and shook my head simultaneously. "No, it wasn't him."

"Then who is it?" Leorio barked.

"Are you fighting Gittarackur?" Kurapika was looking at my eyes, searching for an answer.

I remained silent. The fact that I couldn't beat that clown, yet he only did was to pierce his pin enough to paralyze him. That made me conscious of my abilities and strength. Could I really defeat that monster?

"I take that as a yes again," Kurapika stated.

Leorio's eyes widened, and they quickly looked toward Gittarackur. "What? You're fighting that ugly-looking man?" He couldn't hide his shock as he asked that firmly.

"Keep it down, and don't look at him. As soon as he knows his predator, he will turn it into his prey," Kurapika warned him.

Leorio immediately shut his mouth, but he frowned as if he couldn't believe all of this. "Wait? What are you afraid of him? The only scary thing about him is his appearance," Leorio joked around while raising his brow.

But Kurapika and I couldn't laugh at his joke. Hence, Leorio stopped smiling and creased his forehead. "Is he that strong? Did something happen that made you so afraid of him?"

Kurapkia looked at me meaningfully, waiting for an answer. I fixed my sitting and cleared my throat.

"You could feel his creepy aura. He is fucking strong," I couldn't stop cursing.

The two keep listening.

"That fucking clown and I fought earlier while waiting for phase 3 to end. We almost destroyed the tower that time---"

"What the fuck? No wonder the tower was shaking earlier. That was your doing?" Leorio asked, his face almost couldn't be painted.

I nodded in response and continued, "Yep. That was why, the examiner warned us to stop or we would be disqualified. That clown has a huge ego and he would not stop unless someone killed him."

I stopped, examining their shocked faces.

"And that was where Gittarackur stop us..." I kept looking at them. "...By knocking down the clown with only one pin." I almost whispered the last sentence. But the two heard it because of how big their eyes were. They were nearly falling.

"With just one pin? What do you mean?!" Leorio also whispered that was anything but a whisper.

"Leorio!" Kurapika scolded. We all looked at the pin guy, thankfully he was still half asleep.

"Sorry. But what? He knocked out Hisoka with one pin? Hisoka killed those group of men. We all know how strong he is." Leorio gritted his teeth.

I didn't reply him, confirming his statement. That made Kurapika grabbed my wrist.

"If you want us to help. We can help you. If he is that dangerous, we could still try next year." Kurapika frowned, he looked like he was worried about my situation.

I smiled to ease it. "If you were in my situation, would you rather retake the exam?"

Kurapika was stunned as he removed his hand on me. He didn't say anything and just bit his lower lips. I know. We were almost this far. No one would want to retake the exam. Thus, I also could not allow that. I have a goal to achieve.

"Also..." I once again gave a subtle glance at my prey. "Since he is that strong, I don't want you guys to fight him."

Kurapkina's eyes widened and Leorio creased his brow. He was about to say something when I cut him.

"We cannot win against him face to face. But I will definitely win against him..."


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