Chapter 9

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A/N: before you start... I'll just let you know that this story contains smut. It has a matured contents so just... dont report and enjoy things.


I hope...

I squeezed my eyes shut, memories flooding back of the cringe words I had uttered to Kurapika and Leorio. Did I really say 'I will beat him?' Fuck, I freaking hope I can! Yet, all I've managed so far was to cower like a frightened chicken.

Damn, (y/n)! You need to get this shit together! You don't have time to act like a fucking coward. You still have a mission to accomplish!

"Are you okay?" I blinked, my gaze locking onto the person before me. It was the lady announcer, beads of sweat glistening on her face. "I-I didn't mean to interrupt you!" She quickly retreated.

I took a deep breath, realizing I needed to calm down. "I need to chill out," I muttered to myself, the words echoing in the silence around me.

After chatting with Leorio and Kurapika, I asked them to give me some space, so I could brainstorm a strategy for this phase. But it was pointless. I hadn't even come up with a single plan to kick his butt.

I sat on the floor, closed my eyes, and let my mind wander. I hoped that by meditating, I'd come up with a plan.

I was in this position for a few minutes until a strange sensation crept over me like someone was watching me. Snapping my eyes open, I glanced around just to check what was it, but I instead caught Hisoka's intense gaze fixed on me. My heart skipped a beat.

Why is he staring at me when we almost killed each other? Unless... Does he have my tag number? Fuck.

The clown plucked a heart card, teasingly flicking it with his finger before launching it toward the cabin door. It pierced through with precision, drawing my attention back to him. With a beckoning gesture, he went into the cabin, inviting me to follow him.

Fuck. Just kill me already.

I tucked Gittarackur's name tag into my pocket, fingers clenched around it tightly. He couldn't find out about this, or it would be game over for me. Before making my way to the cabin, I hurled the tag into the sea, watching as it disappeared beneath the waves. It was a risky move, but one I had to make to ensure my survival in this deadly game.

I might be sounding a bit dense here, but that damn clown could give me hints about Gittarackur. Plus, I'm itching to know if Hisoka's got my number. The last thing I needed was for him to turn into an enemy!

Just as I approached the cabin door, someone forcefully pulled me inside and swiftly locked it shut. I almost screamed but this person covered my mouth. Hisoka pressed me against the wall with a firm grip on my wrist, immobilizing me completely. His gaze bore into mine as we were inches apart, sending a surge of adrenaline through my veins. I felt like a prey who was about to get eaten by its predator.

But then, again, I never realized this clown could be so gorgeous. That I almost forgot the danger lurking in front of me.  With his vibrant red hair, strong nose, sharp jawline, bold eyebrows, and yellow eyes... fuck!

My throat went dry as I realized just how close our bodies were.

Hisoka's voice was getting seductive in my ear. "My, what are you thinking about, doll?" It almost made my knees buckle. There was a strange sensation, something I couldn't quite explain, coursing through me as he spoke.

I placed my palm against his chest, gently pushing him away as discomfort prickled through me. But he only pressed closer, making his body molding against mine, our breaths syncing in a slow, deep rhythm. The strange sensation intensified, warming me from within, and I found myself parting my lips, craving a breath of air.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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