chapter 5

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Buhara gave the approval sign, but the other examiner declined it. Gon shrugged and came over to us, with Leorio, Killua, and Kurapika following suit.

"I thought it was about the appearance," Kurapika said with a sigh.

It's obviously because this is a cooking challenge, it supposed to be delicious and looks good.

"At least Buhara liked your dishes," I bluntly said.

I glanced back at the two examiners. Menchi motioned for me to approach. Carrying the two plates, I made my way over to them and placed my dishes on the table.

Menchi raised an eyebrow as she examined the dish I had prepared. "Pork curry? This looks better than the roasted pig," she remarked. Taking a spoon, she dipped it into the curry with rice and tasted it slowly.

The corner of my lips lifted as I watched their eyes flicker with pleasure while they savored the food. Menchi's gaze locked onto mine, and her expression brightened. She proceeded to describe the taste of my curry and how it differed from the others. In the end, she expressed her liking for it.

Both examiners raised the approved sign. I couldn't help but sigh in displeasure. No, this wasn't right. I should be happy because I passed this second phase, but they didn't.

Menchi stood up, placing her hands on her hips. Before she could speak, I cleared my throat, interrupting her. She glared at me in response.

"Sorry, but I could not allow that," I said firmly with a long face.

Her brows knitted. "W-what? What do you mean? I haven't said anything yet!"

I glanced at her sideways. "Clearly, I'm the only one who passed this phase," I stated, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes slowly. "If you're going to fail them, then fail me too. I didn't come here just to get a hunter's license—I came to improve my combat skills. I never imagined it would end like this, with a pointless cooking test. It feels like a waste of time."

I opened my eyes and gazed at the female examiner. Her expression darkened, her jaw clenched, and her breath grew tense. I knew I was being harsh, but she needed to accept that not everyone can cook.

Well... We became hypocrite for the things we care.

She began to speak again, but I interrupted her once more. "I understand and respect your profession," I said firmly. "Gourmet hunters risk their lives to provide high-quality ingredients for us. But we also risked our lives to catch that ugly pig and serve it to you. Failing them just because they can't cook isn't fair." I narrowed my eyes, fixing them on hers. "You—"

I stopped talking as she threw her knife in my direction. I was fast enough to bend my face backward and lowered my body to avoid it. I could hear gasps from the others, while the other examiner appeared shocked. Stepping away from them, I reached into my pocket, preparing to defend myself with my coins.

My aura darkened as I glared at her. "Try that again, and I'll forget you're an examiner," I threatened, my hand emerging slowly from my pocket.

Menchi smirked, preparing to lunge forward, but her movement was interrupted by a voice from nowhere. Suddenly, an old man appeared, falling to the ground while standing, leaving us wide-eyed in shock. As he approached, I remained on guard, refusing to let my defenses down.

"Chairman Netero." I heard Buhara murmur.

My brows knitted as I peered at the old an. He was bald with a long white beard. Could he be the Chairman, the one rumored to be able to defeat Emilio? I remembered hearing about him from my idiot uncle.

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