Blind date

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A few months later. Jack and Stella were half way trough there probation.

L- hey are we still on for our mother daughter date tonight?
S- yes after shift at that fancy restaurant right?
L- yes that right.
S- why at that restaurant?
L- oh I wanted to try it.
S- oh okay, but are we going together after shift?
L- no I have to get something from the house first so will leave early from my shift.
S- okay so I will see you at the restaurant then. Okay see you tonight I have to go on patrol.
L- yes see you tonight.

A- hey honey.
J- yes mom?
A- I have a girl for you. Do you want to go on this blind date with her tonight?
J- sure what time and which restaurant.
A- I will send you the details later. But it's after shift.
J- alright bye.

A- so did she confirmed she was "going on a mother daughter date" with you?
L- she totally believed it.
A- super, Jack will be going to this blind date. Who would have thought that after so many years we are finally putting our kids on a date with each other.
L- it is really funny. And our husbands even support this ahahah.

Stella and Jack went on their shift. And after that they came back to the station to change real quick. Stella had a beautiful dress on. Jack saw her walking out of the lockerroom.
J- wow you really look beautiful.
S- thank you.
J- so what are you up to in that sexy dress.
S- it's not a sexy dress. And I'm going out for dinner with my mother. So I have to go. I can't be late.
J- uhm okay bye have fun.

Jack texted his mother for the info about the restaurant. He got the address and got in his car.
Stella was already sat in the restaurant. Waiting for her mother to show up. Jack just entered the restaurant and walked up to Stella.
J- hey stells, where is your mother?
S- Jack? What are you doing here?
J- I'm supposed to go on a blind date.
That's when Stella got a text from Lucy. That said: "hey honey, can't make it tonight enjoy your time with Jackson".
S- wait blind date... who set you up for this date?
J- that would be my mom why?
S- I think our mothers are planning for us to go on a date together. That's why you are here for a blind date and I'm here when my mom just cancelt on me.
J- wait what. I mean it really does sound like our moms. But why not just eat with each other.
S- yea sure we do it all the time as friends.

They had an amazing dinner. After dinner they went to a bar for a couple of drinks. They had the day off the next day. So they could make it semi late tonight. After a lot of drinks they decided to walk home. Stella was going to stay at jacks again. They were very cozy while walking home. They had a great laugh. They were even flirting with each other. When the arrived at jacks house. They both just plopped on the couch.
J- I really like being with you.
S- yea I like being friends with you to.
J- yea but I mean like I really like you. You are so beautiful, talented, though and so smart. And don't get me talking about that amazing singing voice of yours.

After jack said all that Stella kissed him. She didn't know what went trough him. But she felt at the moment she had to kiss him. The kiss eventually became more than that and they went to the bedroom.

The morning after. Stella woke up in jack his bed. Laying on his chest and cuddling with him. She was confused. Not only about this moment how she ended up in his bed. But also how she felt about Jack. She can't remember anything about last night and so does Jack.
S- Jack wake up.
J- ouch not so loud.
S- why am I naked in your bed?
J- wait you are naked? (He immediately woke up)
S- yes and what is that poking my leg.
J- uhm I think that's uhm uhhh
S- what is it just spit it out!
J- I think that is my dick.
S- eww no what did we do last night.
J- I can't remember.
S- okay I'm going home. And we will not talk about what happend ever. You promise!
J- uhm I guess so.

Stella quickly grabbed her clothes. And she put them on and went straight out the door. She went to Celina's house. She kinda is her best friend at the moment. They just clicked when they rode together even the age difference.
S- Celina open the damn door please.
C- what is happening. What are you doing here?
S- I did something stupid. I can't even remember it.
C- what happened?
S- so my mom and Lopez set Jack and I up for a date. So we just had dinner as friends we had decided. And after dinner we went out for drinks. Maybe a bit to many drinks.
C- oh I can feel it coming. You slept with Jack.
S- yes how can I face him now?
C- I'm mean you can avoid him at the station for most part. Because you don't go on patrol together.
S- that's it you are right. I'm doing my best at avoiding him. But can I sometimes sleep over here?
C- sure why?
S- I always did that with Jack because of how loving my parents can be sometimes. They are cute but sometimes i just need a break.
C- yeah sure I get that.
S- thank you so much for helping me Celina.
C- yeah no problem, that's what partners are for.

So Stella did her best at avoiding Jack. But jack just missed Stella so much. He was hurt by what Stella said. He did remember again what had happened that night. And he really enjoyed it. He couldn't sleep. He look devastated. Because he is sleep deprived he had almost no energy and became sick. He was sent home.
A- what happened honey?
J- I just can't sleep for weeks.
A- and why is that?
J- do you remember the date you had set me up with.
A- you mean Stella?
J- yea we had dinner just as friends. Than we went to the bar for some drinks that turned in to many.
A- what happened after that.
J- like always after drinks went to my house. and because of the liquid courage I expressed my feelings to her. And she kissed me. And than we ended up in my bed naked. The next morning she woke up first and when she found out what the situation was she ran off with regret all over her face.
A- oh honey, it must really hurt.
J- it really does because I can't even remember how long I have liked her. It is that long ago.
A- I'll ask Lucy and Tim if they go talk to her. Because if you expressed your feelings to her and she kissed you there had to be some feelings from her side. Because we know Stella. And Stella doesn't do one night stands. Or anything impulsive.
J- alright I'm just gonna cry my self to sleep now.
A- Jackson Lopez Evers. You are getting up got to the shooting range and shoot all your feelings out of you. I didn't raised you up to be that much of a softie. I mean soft is good but you are a Lopez man. You are also tough.

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