Im visiting my boyfriend

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Stella and Jack had been dating for a few months now. And they are both p2 now because they successfully completed their rookie year. At first they rode with their former TO's but now that there are new rookies Jack and Stella are riding together.

S- ugh I can't wait to go home tonight and cuddle with you all night.
J- I also cant wait, it's been a really long day. First that bar fight than a kidnapping and now we have to assist this conference.
S- yes let's get this last thing over with so I can cuddle with my man.

Their shift was over and they were driving home. Stella closed her eyes for a minute with her head leaning against the window.
J- baby we are home.
S- okay thank you baby, for letting me close my eyes for a minute. I don't know why but I have been so tired lately.
J- it's okay stells. I will go inside and start our dinner up. If you could just lock the car when you are ready. I will grab your bag.

Jackson got out of the car and grabbed their bags. He walked to the front door when he noticed someone standing there. It was a woman facing his front door. Soon after he heard the car door close and the car being locked. That also got the attention from the woman she turned around and immediately smiled.

P- oh hi baby, I was waiting for you.
J- Penelope what are you doing here?

The woman named Penelope came towards Jack and leaned in for a kiss. But Stella quickly stopped that.

S- excuse me, who is this?
J- Stella, it is definitely not what it looks like. She is-
P- hi I'm Penelope, I'm visiting my boyfriend.
S- boyfriend that's not right. Jack is my boyfriend.
J- yea that's true, stella is my girlfriend.
P- but jackie we had a thing before I had to leave for work. You said you would wait for me.
J- okay first, we never had a thing it was only hooking up. And second when you left 5 months ago. I did not say I would wait for you. So can you please leave so I can just go home with my girlfriend.
P- I'm sorry Sophie was it right, could you please go to your home so I can talk with Jack. There has to be a misunderstanding.
S- it's Ste-
J- it's Stella, and for you it's officer Bradford. She already is home. We live together and the only one leaving is you. We don't need to talk because there was never a misunderstanding. We aren't in a relationship and we never were. So please leave and never come back.

Without another word Penelope left and Stella and Jack got inside.

J- I'm sorry baby, I didn't know she would just show up like that. And I swear I never had a relationship with her. You are the first and only person I have a relationship with.
S- I trust you Jack, I know you longer than her and I know that you never had a relationship.
J- I'm glad you trust me, I don't if I could live if you left me. I can't lose you. You are my everything and I want to marry you and have babies of our own. And just grow old together.
S- I know, and I want all of that two. But first I want to excel at being a police officer and maybe move up soon. But I wouldn't want it if it wasn't next to you, jackie.

Stella used the nickname Penelope used with a teasing voice.

J- please don't call me that. I seriously don't know what is going through that woman's mind. When she left we didn't have any contact. And she left one month before we started dating. And she never even reached out in those 5 months she was gone.
S- and how did she still think you guys were dating, she is really crazy for thinking that.

They talked for a bit while Jack was making their dinner. They had their dinner on the couch while watching a movie. After the movie ended they went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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