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Later that day.
S- hey officer Lopez Evers can I use you for a moment. I need something but can't reach it.
J- sure but be quick.
S- let's go in here.
They go in to the storage room.
J- what do you need?
S- hey I missed you.
She kisses him.
S- I was almost caught.
She kissed him again.
S- I hadn't talked to Celina about my cover story.
J- glad you weren't caught. And we have this sneaky little moment.
He kissed her.
S- oh shit what are we gonna do about tonight?
J- wait what is tonight?
S- oh you don't know. Apparently you and your family are coming over for dinner tonight at my parents.
J- oh okay so what is our plan.
S- you can say you can't come tonight. But than I will have to miss you.
J- awh is someone attached to me.
S- I mean it what are we gonna do?
J- let's just both go and be mean to each other. And after your parents are asleep you sneak out and go to my house.
S- okay than that is the plan. So from now on I hate you.
They walk out of the storage room.
A- hey did you guys hook up in there?
S- no but thank you officer Lopez Evers for the assistance.
A- you know jacks dad and I hooked up in this very storage room a long time ago.
J- ew mom why would you tell us this.
S- uhm okay I'm gonna leave. See you tonight Angela.

At the end of their shift they went home and got ready for dinner. Angela and Wesley arrived at Lucy and Tim's while Stella was still changing. Jack was still on his way.
A- so they don't know that we know that they are together.
L- hahaha they think we are just clueless.
T- it's so funny. I'm happy it worked out.
W- it is pretty funny. But we are some noisy parents.
J- hey guys what did I miss?
A- oh nothing just a boring joke about football.
Stella walked down the stairs to the guests.
S- hey Angela (gave her a hug)
Wesley it is good to see you (gave him a hug)
L- aren't you going to greet Jack?
S- what I see him every day. Nothing special. I don't see Angela or Wesley every day.
T- okay but please be nice tonight.

The dinner had ended. Stella and Jack did their best to hate each other. But here and there they gave each other a look or a little touch under the table. The guests had left. Stella and Jack just texted each other the whole time. Until her parents were asleep. She than immediately went to jacks house.
S- it was so difficult to not just talk or even cuddle you at that dinner.
J- I know it hurt me too. But there is plenty of time to cuddle now.
S- maybe some more than just cuddling?
J- you read my mind.

After their love making they laid in bed just cuddling and talking a bit. Until they both fell asleep.

J- morning beautiful.
S- morning babe. I love waking up next to you.
J- stells you are here almost everyday, why don't you just move in with me.
S- wait yea I would love that.
J- oh shit but how are we doing this without our parents knowing.
S- it isn't possible. If they weren't working for the lapd maybe it would have worked than. But I think we do have to come clean.
J- if it means I get to live with you and just be with you without hiding it. Than I don't see a problem anymore. Our parents will be happy.
S- okay let's invited them to dinner. But in a secret way that they don't notice it's dinner with the whole family. Like our first date.
J- oh yes the sneaky date they got us on. Okay I will ask my parents over for dinner. And you will do the same but don't say where. Than drive to my house with your parents.
S- okay than it is a plan.

The couple went to the station. And started their plan to trick their parents.

S- mom can you come with me to dads office.
L- sure what's wrong?
S- oh nothing just wanted to ask you both something.
T- hey there are my favorite girls.
S- dad, mom I would like to go out to dinner with you guys tonight.
L&T- okay we would love that too.
S- so after shift wait for me and I will drive us.

Stella started going on patrol with Celina.
Jack asked his parents after lunch.

It was after shift Jack went home got ready and ordered Italian. He obviously didn't had time to cook. So he ordered in and was going to make it look like he cooked. It had to be fancy. Because the parents of his girlfriend were going to be there. Even tho he knows Tim and Lucy his whole life. This dinner made him feel nervous.
W- hey Jack, we are here.
J- hey dad, mom I'm in the kitchen.
He quickly threw away the evidence of ordering takeout.
A- hey guapo, did you cook all of this?
J- yes I did.
A- how many people are you expecting?
At that moment Stella and her parents came in.
L- why are we at jacks house?
T- wait this is jacks house, it is very nice.
S- let's just go to the kitchen, I think Angela and Wesley are here already.
L- okay what is going on?
J- hey I'm glad you could come.
Jack greeted Tim and Lucy with a hug.
A- wait why are you guys here?
L- I have the same question.
S- let's just take a seat. And have some dinner.
Everyone sat down and grabbed some food. It was quiet for the first few minutes.
T- so are we getting an explanation?
J- yes sorry, uhm we wanted to talk to you about something.
S- we know you guys tried to set us up with each other.
A&L- who, us? Never.
W- how did you find out.
A- Wes, sush. We didn't do anything.
S- seriously you know we are also cops raised by cops/detectives.
T- okay what about it?
J- your plan worked okay.
S- yes we wanted to invite you for dinner tonight to officially announce that we are together.
L- I'm so happy for both of you.
A- yes it is about time.
J- and Stella will also be moving in.
T- wait you are moving in together? My baby won't live at home anymore.
L- oh Tim she is 26. She can live on her own and even with her boyfriend.
T- I was not prepared for her moving out.
A- suck it up Timothy. Maybe soon you will have grandkids.
T- oh no that is still to soon. You are both still rookies.
S- not for long. Maybe we will start trying for babies. (Stella joked)
J- hahahah funny stells. Maybe in a while.
T- glad we agree on that part Jack.

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