Prologue: Your first Nikke

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Author's Note: Greeting, my stars! I thank you so much for reading my story! This won't be too long, I promise. I just want to say that the story isn't going to be a one-to-one recreation of the actual story. That much should be clear from clicking on this in the first place, but that also means that I am allowed to mess with the story. At any moment~ TLDR: Things are the same, but anything is possible.

With everything finally out of the way, please enjoy!

"Chatting" - 'Thinking' - *Sound effects*

"Chatting" - 'Thinking' - *Sound effects*

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Absolute peace.

If you could believe it, there was a point in time where the Ark, Nikkes, and Raptures weren't even a concept. You just had your plants, animals, and humans. Heck, humans even got to see the sun rise and fall without worrying about becoming a red puddle. It was a time that currently, people only saw as a dream.

Of course, there was still the occasional war that grew more problematic with the evolution of technology and problems around the world, but most people weren't like that or even a part of it. They just went about their day going to the store, eating at a restaurant, having a laugh or two with a friend or a lover, going to work, sleeping, and waking up again. People just always took these peaceful, normal moments as...just that. Normal. Whether they saw it as good or bad depended on the person themselves, but one thing was always present that never was talked about.

What would happen if that normal pattern, that cycle...was ripped away like nothing?

Over a century ago, mechanical machines named "Raptures" invaded earth. Unprepared, humanity faced a world wide genocide. Masses upon masses of bodies were scattered across the earth's surface. The most powerful of military forces in the world could barely hold their own against a few small-class raptures, let alone the lords or tyrants. The body count increased from millions into the billions. Hope was dwindling.

The governments of the world saw it was best to join all of their best minds and forces together, creating the "United Forces of Humanity". However, the war was still one-sided. All of humanity was countered by the raptures believed, simple goal: Eradicate all of humanity. All hope was near extinguished. All but one. Hopeful, humanity put all of their chips down into a campaign to make beacons of hope for the remainder of humans.

That campaign...was the origin of Nikkes.

Nikkes had very powerful mechanical bodies, but contained the transplanted minds of humans. Most notably, the minds of females around the ages of 10-25, as most men were killed fighting the raptures and even if they did the same process as women, men had a dramatic lower chance of success. With Nikkes being the key, humanity kept creating and trying to overwhelm the raptures until they reached the one that truly stood for hope. The Goddess Squad. With the Goddess Squad, mass produced Nikkes, and the remnants of humanity, they all stood together to finally make a noticeable dent in the war. The war, dare some would say...was even.

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