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Something unexpected happened today

I saw strangers for the first time since I moved here, and I'm pretty sure they're coming for me

I saw them from the terrace and was immediately cautious.

My parents told me that my identity should never be leaked to others and
they always reminded me that I must never be linked to the Chankinhas no matter what.

For that reason, I was even told not to use my last name.

Since before I could even remember, I was told to use FREEN SAROCHA if I really have no option but to introduce myself, but even that is almost close to impossible, especially since I was told I couldn't ever leave the house.

They said all of this was necessary as it was the only way to keep me safe.

Safe from what exactly... that I didn't know.

Nobody bothered to explain

I didn't understand why I couldn't leave the house

I couldn't understand why, even in my own house, my freedom was limited.

I didn't understand why I needed to hide, but as usual, no one bothered to explain more than the typical...

This is for your own good Freen
Be good and stay safe.

Yeah, that worked out alright (notice the sarcasm)

So, taking all of those precautions into account, I couldn't understand how strangers could come here

The servants also follow a strict protocol and were sworn to secrecy, so they definitely came here for me

Hmmm... this is not simple.

Are they enemies?

But if they were, they wouldn't have come so openly, right?

No, that can't be right.

Then who were they and what did they want?

Could it be that they weren't here for me?

Hmmm... that shouldn't be right either.

This house where I am currently staying is extremely secluded.

We had no neighbors, and everything my eyes could see were all grassland.

Everything around me were all properties that my parents bought for me as my safehaven, so other than me, they're nobody else of value around.

Looking at how they dressed, they seem to be important people

Looking further at the number of armed guards they have with them, they seem to be dangerous too.

I looked around again, this house was extremely grand, but i'm sure this was nothing new for people like them

So why were they here?

What were their intentions?

What do they want from me?

Seeing these strangers drawing closer and closer all of a sudden triggered my curiosity and my weariness.

I kept my distance and looked at them from a far, silently observing them as they drew one step closer to the house.

This land, if I'm not mistaken, was around 10 hectares, or at least that's what my nanny told me.

How big 10 hectares is, I didn't actually know.

All that I have been told was all that my eyes could see belong to me, but well,
I haven't actually seen all of the land yet. I never bothered.

What's the point? At the end of the day, this was just a bigger prison.
Nothing had changed.

Even back in Korea, I had always been showered by everything a child could ever want

That is except for love and freedom.

I was used to being alone.

I never had any friends, and I hardly saw my parents.

Since I wasn't allowed to leave the house, too, I never developed my social skills, nor did I find the need to do so.

Some of the workers that I had met, tend to avoid me

They said that I scare them

Why? I never bothered knowing

There are too many why's in the world that nobody bothers to answer, so being upset about having no answers is useless.

I have heard some say that they thought I was too mature for a child and found me a freak.

Again, I didn't really care what they thought of me

Their opinions of me do not matter, besides It wasn't my fault that I was like this.

If you're left staring at white walls all your life with no one to talk to, I'm sure you'd end up like me too.

Reading was the only comfort I had gotten in that empty house, so reading was all I ever did.

At least whilst I was reading, life was simple.

I could choose what to read and when to read.

I control how and when I finish the book.

The people who knew me personally called me a genius

Maybe I was, but how could I even tell when I have no one to compare to.

In the end, they could judge me all they wanted.
they shouldn't matter.
Their opinions shouldn't matter.
How they see me shouldn't matter.

When my parents asked me to leave Korea, they chose a select few of highly trained servants who seem to care about me, to come with me in my exile

How did my parents know they cared about me? I again didn't know

For me, all of them were the same

I pretended that they didn't exist and minded my own business

Too much so that some even thought that I was mute

I never acknowledged them.

They're all bound to leave anyway

Suzanne was all that I needed

Suzanne was my nanny and was the nearest to a parent I had ever gotten.

She was the one who had always been with me and had been taking care of me since I was born.

My parents trusted her because she was a distant relative of my mom that she had also grown up with.

Suzanne was the one who tucked me in at night and hugged me to sleep when I cried looking for my parents and was the one would also always wake me up in the morning with a bright smile on her face.

She would also be extremely patient with me and would try to understand me no matter what.

Suzanne was the one constant in me life

I trusted her, and she was all I had.

She was my friend, my mom, and my teacher, and at this point, I gave up on wanting anybody else.

These strangers that came scare me.
I have a big feeling that they would ruin everything for me


Hi loves,

It's me again, your lonely author.

I'm trying this out to see if it's worth continuing.

Can u guys tell me what u think about this story?

Sincerely Yours,
Your Crazy author Cha 😜

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