Chapter 4 : Messed up //M

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This chapter includes slightly mature content.

The moment she did it she knew she would regret it, but Mina closed the door behind her and took a step forward to crush her lips with the other girl's. Chaeyoung slightly pushed her against the door and deepened the kiss. Mina's mind was blown, maybe even more than the last time. The effect she had on her was crazy and infuriating. The other girl started to go down her neck but it was too much. Mina pushed her away, opened the door and left. Why was she acting so weird. 


Mina woke up the next morning with barely any memories. She had no idea how she even got back to her dorm. She glanced at the other bed and hoped for a second it would be Tzuyu, or anyone else, sleeping in it, but she recognized the light-brown hair. It seemed Sana was back for real. When she saw her, something told Mina she didn't want to remember anything about the last night. She closed her eyes but failed to go back to sleep. Her mind was blurry because of all the alcohol she drank but images from the party appeared. She saw herself dancing with Nayeon, and how Chaeyoung disappeared for about an hour with Sana, and how they danced so closely, and how oddly unpleasant it felt. She wished she could forget what happened next when she followed Chaeyoung upstairs, but she couldn't. What came after however was a mystery. Maybe it was for the best. She eventually fall asleep again.

Monday came and Mina decided it was time to put herself back on the right track. She carefully gathered her books and left for class. She checked her mails on the way, and saw her art history teacher wanted to meet her after lunch. It was strange and it stressed her out. She ended up trusting the other girl's researches for their project and she now hoped it wasn't a mistake.The morning went on as planned and she was relieved to be back to her routine. She loved being in class, studying and how, for her studies, she was in control of everything. She had lunch with Tzuyu as usual and her friend solved one of yesterday's mysteries when she told her she was the one to bring her back to the dorm. Mina didn't ask for more details. She needed to forget for a while how messy everything was now. 

Eventually, it was time for her to meet with the teacher. She wondered if Chaeyoung would be there too, or if she even got a mail about this meeting. Probably not, and even if she got one there was no doubt she would simply ignore it. 

This is why she froze when she opened the door and saw her in an enthusiastic discussion with the teacher.

"Mina, perfect. We were waiting for you. Please, sit with us"

She was confused but did as she was told. She did not plan for the girl to be here, and even less so early.

"So, as I was telling your friend, I really appreciated the work you did together and I would like you to go into this subject in depth. It would take the form of an oral presentation in front of the other students. Of course it would give you extra credit for it."

Mina felt Chaeyoung's eyes on her and, when she met them, she understood she was defying her. 

Actually, Chaeyoung was convinced Mina would refuse, and it was a good thing because she definitely didn't want to do it, her ego just wanted to know how the other girl would handle it. This time again, Mina surprised when her she smiled and answered with a sweet tone.

"We would love to ! Thank you so much for this opportunity"

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