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I decided to rewrite the storyline for this book. I didnt really like the last one and it was too serious for my crackhead energy ass.

Yes, reader's inspired by Jingliu from HSR. (Abilities only, she wont have her blindfold)

Introducing our main character~


(Name) (Last name)

~ Gender: Female~ Age: 21~ Height: (Your height)~ Status: Alive~ Lines: Two~ Magic: True Ice

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~ Gender: Female
~ Age: 21
~ Height: (Your height)
~ Status: Alive
~ Lines: Two
~ Magic: True Ice

~ Family
- Innocent Zero (Father)
- Doom (Eldest brother)
- Famin (Older brother)
- Epidem (Older brother)
- Delisaster (Older brother)
- Domina Blowelive (Younger brother)

(All abilities inspired by Jingliu)

Silver crescent moon: Her sword, she does not use a wand. Her father had a blacksmith craft it specially for her.

True Ice's edge: She summons a slash of true ice towards her target.

True Ice's Crescent Transmigation: Her sword turns into a greatsword, granting her the power to unleash more true ice slashes

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True Ice's Crescent Transmigation: Her sword turns into a greatsword, granting her the power to unleash more true ice slashes.

True Ice's Crescent Transmigation: Her sword turns into a greatsword, granting her the power to unleash more true ice slashes

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True Ice's Deathrealm: She leaps into the air before sending multiple wave slashes of true ice to her target

True Ice's Deathrealm: She leaps into the air before sending multiple wave slashes of true ice to her target

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True Ice's Frost Wraith: She leaps into the air before crashing down, sending true ice spikes to her target

True Ice's Frost Wraith: She leaps into the air before crashing down, sending true ice spikes to her target

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Summon: Lan, God of the Hunt

She will be able to turn her sword into a bow made of True Ice. She can shoot out an arrow, it turning into many small arrows of True Ice to shower onto her target


She's the jokester of the family. Will crack good and bad jokes.

Everyone is on good terms with her. Maybe because she is the most sane one in the family.

She sometimes cooks for the family. But she prefers to cook her own meals.

She thinks that the probability of her finding a boyfriend is lower than beating her Father in a fight

She doesn't seek Father's love, she has it already. Making a few certain individuals jealous.

Relationships with her family members:

Innocent Zero favors her the most. Mainly for being his only daughter

Doom and her have the best bond in the family. She was trained by Doom, making her almost on par with him in terms of fighting capabilities. She also likes messing around with his hair

She doesn't get along well with Famin...

She helps (is forced to) make pudding for Epidem

Drink and party buddies with Delisaster. Sometimes sparing with him when available

She has recognized and praised Domina for his achievements in middle school. Which made Domina love her more than his older brothers who didn't bat an eye. Though, of course father comes first.


Hope you enjoy the book~

Love, Skky♡

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