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"And that is how we achieve world peace."

I dropped the mic.

Walhberg was the only one that clapped

While Ryoh looked at me concearned

"You are one of Innocent Zero's children?-"

"The favorite one too." I smiled, proudly

And I then saw sand particles in the air


My expression dropped when Orter appeared behind me and put a wand to my neck


"Orter, that is not manly." Ryoh did a dramatic sigh

"We must keep order in the Bureau and this vile criminal should be supervised at all cost."


"Were dating." I announced. Dropping a huge nuke.

Kaldo spit out the tea he had in his mouth

Sophina did not even flinch at the news

And other the Divine Visionary looked confused

Orter stayed real quiet after that. With a slight blush on his cheeks of course

He lowered his wand from my neck and quickly pecked my cheek to show everyone that I belonged to him

"Young love.." Walhberg was chuckling


"Well!- back to our topic.. my Father gave us a week until the fight."

"Understood.. until then, we will prepare the little guy." Ryoh uncrossed his legs as he stood up

I smiled and nodded

What could go wrong?



I screamed at Orter-

Ryoh had invited Mash and his other companions for the training that was gonna happen and Orter decides that NOW IS THE MOMENT??

Moonglow~◇ Orter MádlWhere stories live. Discover now