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Famin checked my king in chess


"He's cheating... no way." I stared at the board

He has won against me 56 times.

I got up from my seat and took out my blade

And I jumped at him.

"True Ice's ed-"

"(Name), tone it down." Doom grabbed me by the back of the neck

Famin stuck out his tongue at me

"Father will be here soon. Don't make a mess." Doom let go of me and I quietly went back to my seat


I slowly turned to look at Famin

"Famin... did you still cheat-"

Famin put his hand on his chest, where his heart was

"I did not! Perhaps I could say it was a skill iss-"

I was already in the air, jumping at him to attack

"Quiet down." Father stopped time and finally arrived

Famin and I stopped at whatever tomfoolery we were doing due to the time stop

Until Father changed time back. Making me fall chest first onto the table-


Famin was laughing at me "THATS WHAT YOU GET IDIO-"

"I said quiet down." Father repeated

Famin's heart rate immedietly rose and he stopped laughing

Doom carefully dragged me back to my seat

We all were finally sitting down properly and awaiting Father's order

Father finally took his seat and looked at all of us

"There has been information anout the wearabouts of my sixth son in the Bureau of Magic..."

Sixth son.. oh he must be talking about my youngest brother who got kidnapped-

He got free candy...

"I need (Name)..." Father looked straight at me

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