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"Are you serious..."

Father was.. VERY pissed off.

"I like it." Mash said with a thumbs up

"What do you say, Innocent Zero?" Walhberg looked over to Father

Father was.. FUMING.

I then felt a menacing prescence behind me

"Hey hey.. if you look closely, you can see smoke coming out of his ears-" Famin was giggling loud behind me


"I can kinda see it.." I covered my mouth, trying not to let a single sound spill out that would get me destroyed.

"If my dear daughter requested for this.. I have no other option but to accept." Father said as he summoned out his dark snake

"Ssssst.. scary.." Delisaster hid behind me

"Shiver me timbers.." Famin also hid behind me

I deadpanned at both of my brothers' choices of action

"Both of you need to act like your age already." Doom who was beside me said as he crossed his arms

He was NOT having it with us three.

And Epidem? He didnt even come.. he said he had a date with pudding.

If that is even possible...

Turning down to the.. rock paper scissors 1v1

Father was visibly stressing out..

While Mash was blankly staring at him


"Are you really my father?" Mash blinked

"Of course I am. I can easily read your every move, Mash Burnedead." Father man'd up and now got his snake prepared

Yep. He plays rock paper scissors with a snake as his.. hand?

Not sure but its Father so I wont question!!


"Let us begin now." Walhberg announced

The entire spectating audience went quiet and then all attention was on Mash and Father

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