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"So basically... bling bang bang boom?"

I had my legs over the table while I leaned the rest of my body against the backrest of my chair


"BROO THATS SUCH A GREAT TUNE-" Delisaster slapped my shoulder

"BRO I KNOW RIGHT??" I retracted my legs and held onto his shoulders, shaking him

"Bling!" Somehow me and Delisaster shot out glitter from our hands

"Bang bang!" We both had an American bandana on our heads while we did finger guns

... wait what-

"BOOM!" I did the classic Kafka boom voiceline while Delisaster threw an explosive to the ground, making it explode right behind me

Doom sighed

Famin had to take another shot of alcohol

Epidem's pudding was blown up by the bomb-

Domina was staying as still as possible

He forgot the most pyschotic out of the family is his dear sister

I've never been to an American school, might give it a shot-

And Father was smiling

"Great great. We have some representation on what we are aiming for." Father was CLAPPING TOO

Delisaster and I did a fistbump

Hell yeah.

"Alright now.. finally.. Mash Burnedead."

Father chucked as he pressed both of his hands together like the god dang villain that he is

"My son... will be-"

"UNO!" I slammed the plus 2 card onto the card pile

"CHEATER-" Famin was losing his shit

"BRO I THOUGHT WE WERE HOMIES-" Delisaster was clenching onto his last 3 cards as he got slapped with a plus 2 from me

"Do I get pudding if I win..." Epidem stared down at his cards

Doom covered Domina's eyes and ears

Yep. We ALL were playing Uno right infront of Father

In this household we got no rules-

Father slammed his hands down the desk and we all jumped

"Mash Burnedead.. the last remaining piece for me to become the perfect human."

Father did his goofy villain chuckle again

"I will see it through." He then stood straight up

"Rejoice! I will be the sole victor in this-"

Moonglow~◇ Orter MádlWhere stories live. Discover now