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"Go make me a coffee."

"Alright. What kind of co-"

I felt sand hitting my back and now I was outside of his office

He said coffee.. but theres like 5 different types-

I'll just ask Kaldo or whatever.

I started my search for the flame cane

I fortunately memorized the entire Bureau building's paths in the hours Ive had with Orter

Surpsingly, it seemed easy to break into. Another note to report to father

I knocked on Kaldo's door


"Come in." I heard Kaldo's voice from the other side and I entered

"Excuse me Kaldo, which coffee does Orter like and how does he like it?"

"Hmm~ He likes any with alot of syrup!" Kaldo smiled at me

"Oh. Alright, thanks."

That was easy enough.

I headed out to the cafeteria to get him the coffee

But does he really like this much syrup...

I was now looking down at the 'coffee'


I trust Kaldo.

I picked up the coffee cup and walked back to the office

"I'm back." I announced, walking over to place the coffee on his desk

"Get back to work." Orter commanded me


"What work?" I blinked

He didnt assign me anything..

Orter clenched his eyebrows

"The one I gave you earlier."


"I already finished it." 

"Stay quiet then." He adjusted his glasses and took the coffee mug

Moonglow~◇ Orter MádlWhere stories live. Discover now