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"I got the job?"

I blinked... no way.

My work is ten times easier now-

"You'll be working as Orter Madl's assistant." The vice director sorted out the files in hand

"Oh. Alright."

"His office is near the library. He will tell you what you need to do." He smiled at me

"Alright." I nodded and took my leave

Well shit.

I do not know where the library is.

I looked around to see if I can ask anyone-

I went over the main hall and-

Everyone was gone. HOW??

"Greetings missy~ are you lost?" A voice was heard from behind me


I turned around and saw a white haired guy with a smile on his lips

"You don't look familiar.. are you new here?"

I nodded

He took a step back and cleared his throat

"My name is Kaldo Gehenna. The flame cane." He introduced himself

Flame cane? Must be one of those Divine Visionaries that father told me to avoid

"Delighted to be aquainted, my name is (Name) (Last name)." I nodded at him

That smile on his lips never faded away

"Regarding your question.. I am a bit lost. Do you know where the library is?"

"Library? It should be that way, turn to the right and there will be the li-"

"Thank youu!" I was already leaving. I made sure to thank him tho

Kaldo stared at my figure as I ran away


I knocked on the door to Orter's office

This is my life now. I cant do anything about it.

I then entered my room to find

Orter working on his desk. There was no one else in the room

It took a minute for Orter to finally notice my prescense

Moonglow~◇ Orter MádlWhere stories live. Discover now