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"What a great day~"

I was making my way down to the cafeteria of the Bureau after sucessfully planting a bug on the vice president

All was going so well-

Maybe a bit too well.

As I walked past a door..

A hand grabbed me and brought me inside-



I felt my mouth being covered by the palm of a hand while the other went around my waist

Oh and my back was pressed up against someones chest...

"Stay quiet."

Oh the voice I absolutely love- I mean hate.

"Ok- but.. why are we inside this small dark room and why did it have to be with you?" I whispered to him

"We need to talk." Orter removed his hand from my mouth

Shit. This could only mean a few things.

He confesses his love for me (delulu)

He knows Im Innocent Zero's favorite child

I'm in big trouble

Or all the above


Orter turned me around so that I was facing him

I could see a faint bit of blush on his cheeks due to the small lighting in the room

"What were you doing inside the vice president's office." Orter DEMANDED while staring at me

Well shit time to come up with a better excuse than the ones of your ex boyfriend

"I was talking to him about.. books from the library." I stared back at him

I was not losing this battle.

"You could've asked Sophina, did you have to bother the Vice President for this?" Orter's hand strangely goes up to my cheek

His hand is warm... MY CHEEKS ARE WARM-

"Do you..." Orter started, moving his fingers down to my chin

Moonglow~◇ Orter MádlWhere stories live. Discover now