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'Did you grow more weight... you look like a pig-'

I immedietly took out the next letter

'How are you doing (Name)? I hope the Bureau isn't making you work yourself to death. We will see eachother at the start of the next week, for our training. - Doom'

I smiled at the letter from my eldest brother and then turned to the other one...

I ripped the letter in hand to pieces and threw it to the floor.

"What are you doing?" Orter heard the paper slamming to the floor from me

"I'm planning a murder." I grabbed one of the papers which had the name of the dickhead that sent me that paper


"Don't drag me into this. If you get caught, I have nothing to do with-"

"Yeah yeah, I'll make sure to say that you were an accomplice."

Orter looked at me- funny.

"Do whatever you want. I don't think a brat like you would put me in cuffs." Orter fixed his glasses and went back to his work



Now Im 'On my Way!' to my next task by father

Terrorism- I MEAN- finding how to implant a magic sucking bug onto the vice president of the Bureau

What is father even trying to do with all this...

No idea but I gotta do my work!! Killing Famin is just a side quest

I cleaned up the paper mess I made cause daddy didnt raise no ill-mannered rat

I put the letter I tore into the trash and rushed over to the door

I got to the door and as soon as I held onto the doorknob...

"Why the fuck is there sand on the door?" I let go of my hand from the knob to see the tiny sand particles on my palm

"I did not say that you could leave." Orter said firmly



"Whatever thought going inside that head of yours is pure idiocracy."

Moonglow~◇ Orter MádlWhere stories live. Discover now