Moving to LA

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"SALISH COME ON WE NEED TO LEAVE!" I shouted to my sister.
"I'm coming!!!" She yelled back.
Hi I'm so Elizabeth Matter. I am Salish's twin sister but she's older by 2 minutes. We are flying out to California LA, because my dad Jordan matter, has been traveling a lot to there. So we decided to move there.
"Cmon kids hurry up we might be late" Jordan rushed us.
We made it on the plane, and Salish and I have to sit next to each other for the next 5 hours! "Dad why do I have to sit next to her!" I complained
"Girls stop your arguing and sleep till we get there." Jordan said
"Fine" Me and Salish spoke at the same time.

"Kids wake up we are here!!!" My mom shook us awake.
"Finally!" I said. We all got off of the plane and got into the car we rented till we got a new one. "Omg it's so hot out!" Salish said. "I know I love it" I responded.

We all got into the car and headed to our new house. Salish and I were the first people to run in and find our rooms. Hudson tried to push us but failed.
We all got in our rooms and started to get everything together when we heard a knock on the door.
I ran down saying "ILL GET IT!"

I opened the door to see a beautiful lady holding cookies. She said "Hi, my name is Jiji Wonder but just call me Jiji! "Hi Jiji my name is Elizabeth but my friends just call me Eli." I said.

"I saw you guys moved in here and wanted to meet you guys" Jiji said. "The rest of my family is in here follow me." I said.
We walked to the finished kitchen and she met the rest of my family.

She then told us all about her family. I got her number, so did Salish. We talked about having a sleepover tonight, and she agreed, but she has to ask her mom. Jiji got a phone call from her mom telling her it was time for dinner and to come home. We said our goodbyes to her and she told me she would keep in touch.

Jiji's POV:

I left El's house and walked home. When I got home mom asked me where I had been. "I was at the new neighbors house." I said. "Oh who are they?" My mom said. I told her "Their names are Salish, Elizabeth, Jordan, and Lauren."

Elizabeth's POV:

I'm glad I met Jiji. I get a text from Jiji saying she can stay the night if we go over and meet her family. I responded with "ok!" We will be over soon. I run downstairs and say to my mom and dad "Jiji told me that we have to meet her parents for her to be able to have a sleepover."
They said "Ok let's go over now then." I texted Jiji and she told me Ok.

We arrived at her house and we knocked. Jijis mom answered and we talked for a little till she invited us in. Jijis little brother Nidal (who is my age) came down and when I looked at him I swear time stopped.

Authors Note:

Hi guys this is the first story I wrote so don't be shy to leave notes and stuff that I can fix. Thank you.

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