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I spent the last few days at Nidal's hanging out with him. Our relationship has been a secret, but I think my family has started to notice.

I'm at home when the doorbell rings. I run downstairs to see Nidal.

"Hi Nidal!" I say with excitement. "Heyyy can we talk?" He replies. I told him sure and we walk up to my room. (The door is open don't worry!)

He says "I'm moving to Texas..." I swear I started crying but the tears couldn't fall. I sat there, Speechless.

I hug him and I asked him "when are you moving?" He told me in 2 weeks.

I wanted to make these last 2 weeks with him the best. I probably won't be able to see him for a few months so. I kissed him. It was a passionate. It wasn't too long but it was the best kiss ever.

His soft lips against mine made it feel like time stopped. He sat there staring into each other's eyes with love.

I texted my dad and told him what is happening while Nidal got a drink of water. I asked him if Nidal could stay and he told me sure, but no freaky business.
I asked Nidal to stay the night and he said yes. His parents told him sure.

It got dark out quick so we got under the covers and cuddled up to one another. I felt his warmth radiating off of him. It was comfortable and soothing. Our faces were facing each other and we fell into a deep sleep for the night.

I woke up to a bad pain in my stomach. I looked under the covers to see if I got my period, I'm thankful I didn't.

I walk downstairs to see if I was hungry. The pain was on my side. I almost fell down the stairs so I sat on the couch.

Nidal comes downstairs to tell me he has to go home, and his mom is outside. He kisses me on the cheek and walks outside.

I'm laying on the couch grabbing my side. Basically crying my eyes out when Dad walks downstairs.

"Eli what's wrong?" He asks concerned. "I- don't- know" I say in pain. He asks me if I need to go to the hospital and I say "no let me shower and change then I'll be fine." He watches me walk upstairs and makes breakfast.

I'm in the shower when I get a stabbing pain in my stomach. It is going up and down. I change quickly and walk downstairs. I lay on the couch holding my side.

Dad calls my name but I didn't hear him. I felt like I was dying. Dad runs over to me calling my name.

I can hear faint muffles but nothing else. I feel someone carry me out to the car in a hurry.

I hear dad say "hey, I'm driving Eli to the hospital I don't know what's wrong but she is in pain. Watch Salish and we will hopefully be home tonight." Then he hangs up the phone.

We hit a bump and I almost scream in pain. He got to the hospital fast and gets me a wheelchair. He tells them my name, and D.O.B then they tell us to sit till we are called back.

We are in the Emergency Room and they are doing nothing! I am slightly crying, but the pain has started to go away.

I don't know why, then I look over to see a nurse. She is walking up to me with a smile on her face.

"Elizabeth? Let's get you to check up!" She says. She wheels me back to a room and they ask me about my pain.

I got a huge pain in my side and almost screamed. "OW!" I yell. The nurse runs over and says "We need to get a C.T scan automatically."

I'm being wheeled back to the room and my Dad lays me on the bed. I'm lying there. Still when I feel a poke in my arm.

She told me it was so my body would be warm and stuff. I nodded and stared at the ceiling.


Salish's POV:

Mom tells me the news that Eli is in the hospital. I start crying my eyes out. She hugs me and we fall asleep laying there.

Eli's POV:

I got my C.T scan and they wheel me back to the waiting room. We are sitting there for a good 20 minutes when dad gets a notification from my health care app.

We don't get a chance to look at it, because the nurse came out and told me I was being moved to a room.

I was laying on the bed they moved me to, when a doctor comes in.

He says "Hi my name is Justin, and I will be giving you your medicine to numb the pain."

I waved, because when I talk it hurts. He leaves and I turn on the tv. Dad is sitting next to me on his phone (doing god knows what.)

I'm lying there when I get a FaceTime from Nidal. I think *Oh Shoot Nidal!*

I answer him really fast. He is talking to me when he asked me where I was. "I'm at the hospital." I tell him.

"WHAT WHY!?" He yells.

I told him I didn't know what was wrong with me yet, but then the doctor walked in.

The one doctor said "sorry for the wait. We found you have Appendicitis. You need to get your Appendix removed immediately. We are scheduling an emergency surgery for 10am tomorrow." Then she walks out.

I pick up the phone that I dropped, and continue talking to Nidal when I say "Hey, I'm gonna go I'm tired I'll let you sleep to." He says "Ok! Goodnight I Love You, and call me if you need anything."

"Goodnight I Love You." I say then turn off my phone and sleep.



Sorry for not posting in a bit I've been busy, but what do we think!

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