Toast to new friends

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"ELIZABETH WAKE UPPPPPP" I hear Salish yelling in my ear. "Go away" I complained while pulling the covers over my head. "No wake up Jiji is here to hangout with us!" Salish says excitedly.

"Ok fine get out so I can change." I say with sass. She leaves my room and I get out of bed. I walk over to little closet and pick out tight skinny jeans and a purple shirt. (I'll show a picture of it at the end of the page.)

I walked downstairs and put my nike blazers on. I run into the kitchen and see everyone talking about a new video to record I think. Dad says " Eli do you wanna make a video after Gymnastics today?" "Sure" I say.


(5 hours later) Jiji, Salish, and I are all walking around the beach when I get a call from my dad. *Phone Conversation-> Me- Hello?
Dad- Hey you need to get home you have gymnastics in 30 minutes.
Me- OH SHOOT ok I'm coming home right now! Bye I love you. <- phone conversation over*

"Guys I have to get home I'll see y'all later!!!" I say while running away. I ran the whole way home and changed into Black leggings and my leotard.

I arrived at gymnastics and begin to take my seat on the mat when the coach says " Elizabeth almost late!" "Sorry miss it won't happen again" I say and take my seat.


After Gymnastics is over my Dad picked me up but I had to sit in the back, because Salish was in the front. I opened the back seat door and saw Nidal. The man I had developed a crush on. Sitting in the middle seat. I took a deep breath and got in.

At first it was silent but then Nidal asked me "how was gymnastics?" I took a deep breath and responded with "it was good! How was your day?"

That was so embarrassing I was blushing hardcore, but he said "it was good thank you for asking" and got close to me and whispered in my ear "better now that your here"

Authors Note:

Sorry I haven't posted in a little but how is this!!! And sorry for the lack of sentences but I wanted to leave y'all on a little cliffhanger:)))

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