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I wake up in my bed. It's 5:05 am and get ready for the day. I text Nidal and he asks me to hangout. I say ofc and ask my parents around 8am.

They told me yea and I left to go to his house. I walk inside and say Hi to his parents and Jiji ofc. We talk for a little downstairs when Nidal comes strolling downstairs. He asks me if I wanna ride scooters outside and I say "sure!"

We go outside and start riding. We rode pretty far and then we are crossing after we look both ways. We are on our scooter when we hear a honk.

Someone was driving like 70 mph and hit me. They didn't brake in time so they also hit Nidal. We both flew. "Nidal" I saw very weakly. He looks at me and tries to get his phone.

We see the lady run up to us and say "ARE YOU OK!" She says other stuff and then I pass out.


3rd person POV:

Eli passed out and soon after Nidal passes out. Neshan and Juju were together and they saw the accident. They ran up to us and were trying to get us to wake up. They called 9-1-1 and waited for a few minutes till they arrived.

They finally arrived and were working on Nidal first. They got Nidal into the ambulance and took Nidal away. Then they started working on Eli. They tried to get Eli to wake up but she wouldn't. Nothing was working.

They got a small pulse and hurried Eli to the hospital.

She faded in and out of consciousness on the way and was rushed into surgery. Eli's family was called and rushed to the hospital.

1 week later.

Eli's pov:

I wake up to see a lot of people surrounding me.

"Mom, Dad?" I say with a very raspy voice. They told me not to talk much and to try to calm down. They explain everything that happened and told me about Nidal. I see Nidals family come into my room with Nidal in a wheelchair. He looks at me and I look at him. He wheels over to me and says "Dang Eli you're in bad shape." He says with a sad voice. I let out a little chuckle and he continues talking to me.

He explained he was being discharged and had to leave now but hopes he could visit when I get out. He kissed me and wheeled away.


I guys sorry for not posting I've been busy. But let me know what y'all think!!! And thanks for the suggestions I will be doing those next chapter

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