New Beginnings

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(Last part continued)

I'm sitting on Nidal's lap and I say "do you want me to get up? Am I hurting you?" He told me "no ofc not stay here your comfortable"

2 hours later I decide to get up and go downstairs. His brothers get home and Neshan says "what do you guys do?"

I told him I laid on his bed, and watched TikTok the whole time while he played his game. "Mhmmmmmm yea sureeee" Neshan says teasing me. We both start laughing and I got a text from my dad telling me to come home.

I say my good byes and walk home.


I finally get home and I am talking to Dad. "How was it at Nidals house?" Dad says to me. I tell him while blushing"it was fun he played his game and I watched TikTok for a little".

I look down at my phone and see it is 8:00 pm. "Dang it's late" I think to myself. I say my good nights to the family, and walk upstairs.

I take off my jewelry, and I get a wash cloth. I walk into my room and pick out teddy bear pajamas (no we are not a little kid but they are cute).

I walk into my bathroom and get undressed, and hop in the hot shower. (After shower) I get out and get changed. I do my skincare for the night and hop into my bed

I look at my phone to see I'm getting a FaceTime from Nidal. I squeal and answer. I'm blushing hardcore while he was talking.

He asked me if we could meet up tomorrow. I said probably I could have to ask my parents.

We talk for 2 more hours and hang up around 2am. I was so tired so I fell asleep.

(The next morning)

I got changed into my clothes for the day around 6am. I walk downstairs to see Salish and dad sitting at the table. I ask dad "can I hangout with Nidal today?" He looks at me for a second and says "sure where are y'all gonna hangout?"

I told him at his house with his brothers and he told me sure. I go upstairs to look pretty for him and I get a text asking when I'm coming over.

I told him now and run downstairs. I told dad I was going to his house and he said "be safe I love you bye!"

I walk to his house to see him sitting on his porch. I wave to him and he runs up to me. He picks me up and hugs me while spinning.

I'm giggling and laughing while he is doing the same. He puts me down and we walk inside. His brother tells us they are going to their friends house and then the store. We told them ok and ran up to Nidals room.

We are sitting there when all of a sudden he says "Eli can I tell you something?" I tell him "ofc!" Then he looks at my lips and then at my eyes and says "Eli I like you. Actually No I don't I love you. I have loved you since the first day I met you." I sit there blushing and staring and he said "never mind". I interrupt him and lean in to kiss him.



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