First day at a new school

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Yesterday had been so crazy! I got a snap from Nidal as soon as I woke up. I opened it and it was a mirror pick! I squealed!

I picked out an outfit for school and got dressed. I looked down at my phone and it said 5:45 am. Ugh why is it so early. I walked into the bathroom and did my skincare. After that I did some light makeup. (Mascara, blush, highlighter, and lipgloss.) I then curled my hair and put on some gold jewelry.

I go downstairs at 6:40 am to see Salish making a mango smoothie. I asked "Good Morning Say Say can you make me one?" She responded with "Ofc Eli!" We drank it then got our backpacks and ran to the bus.


(At school)

I got my schedule and was headed to my 1st period. I have Math 1st and 2nd period then History 3rd. Then I have Swimming 4th, and then Lunch. Then I have English 5th, Science 6th, Spanish 7th, and last Gym 8th.

Salish and I have no classes together, UGH! Nidal texted me this morning and told me he wouldn't be at school today. I was sad about that but left it alone. I'm sitting in the back of my math class sketching in my notebook, because I hate math.

(Time skip to lunch)

It's lunch time. Finally! I don't have to wait in line because I packed a salad. So did Salish. I look around the cafeteria and don't see Salish. UGH she doesn't have lunch this period. I find a table in the corner and this group of girls come up to me.

"Who are you?" This blond says in a sassy tone. I say "my name is Elizabeth no need to be rude." She threatens "don't you ever talk like that to me again or I will beat you up, you better watch your back!"

I told her "Ahh so scary anyways leave me alone I don't even know you bye blondy." And with that the bell rings saying lunch is over.

(After school)

School finally ended that stupid Britney girl made me mad. I walk into the house and sit on the table. Salish sits beside me and talks to dad about her day. He asked me how my day was but all I said was "it was fine". Then I told them I was gonna go change to go to the beach.

Since I was young I have always loved the beach. It's been my escape to all my problems. I get changed and walk down stairs. I told dad I was going to the beach and Salish decided to come with.

We arrived at the beach and were in the middle of a conversation when she said "what happened at school today?" "Just some girl being stupid" I said. She told me Oh and we ran into the water to swim.

We saw Nidal and Jiji at the beach along with their two brother. Well I didn't see them Salish did. She ran up to them and was talking to them while I laid in the sand trying to tan while listening to The Neighborhood on my AirPods. I saw a shadow over me and opened my eyes to see Nidal.

"ELI I MISSED YOU!" He yelled. "I missed you to" I said while hugging him. Jiji ran over saying "AWWWWW NELI I SHIPPPP" we let go immediately feeling embarrassed. We laughed it off and started talking until it was time to go home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Salish and I got home and went up to our rooms to go to sleep.

It was 5:00am when I heard a loud Beep Beep Beep, and I woke up knowing it was my alarm.

I did my morning routine, and when I got to school Salish and I split up.

(Time skip to lunch)

It was now lunch again. I was dreading going in there because I don't want the drama with those girls. So I didn't I stayed in the hall. Then when the bell rung I went to my 5th period. I was walking to my locker to get my stuff to go home when I heard someone yell "Elizabeth!". I turned around to see Britney and her little group and Blondes. I said "What?" One of her minions said "shut up let her speak."

I instantly replied with "no because she wasn't speaking and no one was talking to you." I just walked away and thought they did to. But I was insanely wrong.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note:

Should I wait until tomorrow to post the next one? But also what are your thoughts because I wrote a lot more!

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